DrCyano's Lootable Bodies

DrCyano's Lootable Bodies


1.12.2: Bodies do not always render/exist for some people on a server.

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I see that I'm not the only one with this issue. Sometimes when you die, you will return to the location and will not see your body anywhere. If you relog, it will show up. There is no way to trigger it to show without relogging. Happens every death, at this point. Unfortunately unplayable, is there any known fix?


I've not had a lot of time to go through this code, but the only fix we've found with the current version is to relog. When I've got the time (after *Advantage is finally all the way through to 1.12 - the port is in progress! - and the few outstanding bugs in MMDLib and *Metals are addressed) it'll be next to be fixed. (possibly with the mod getting a rewrite to fix things that are still old 1.7/early 1.8 style code)