Dregora RL

Dregora RL


Potion Effects after interacting with village stay at 0 and do not disappear

OddFlor opened this issue · 2 comments


RLCraft Dregora Server/Client

▶️Please specify if it's about the Dregora Server pack or Clientside installation by placing "x" into []◀️

  • [ x] Clientside
  • Serverside

Dregora Version

▶️Please specify the Dregora version that you are running by placing "x" into []◀️

  • [ x] v1.0.0 RLCraft Dregora


▶️What is happening? - Explain what happens and what steps should be done to reproduce the issue.
After trading or interacting with villagers player is affected by potion effects Ex: Explosion 3, Soil 2 ect
After the timer on these potion effects deplete, timer remains at 0 and player is still affected by said potion effect
When interacting with villagers a second time, potion effects execute their said effect. Ex: (Do not know name of potion effect) Lightning strike, thrown into air ect
Note: Villagers with no name (Name ex: Susberian) do not effect the player with any effect
To reproduce. Interact with villager twice. Or as many times necessary


Can confirm, had this happen too. Effects went away after Save and quit and reentering the game (Clientside)


Fixed as of 1.0.1