Dregora RL

Dregora RL


Big lag spikes and kicked off server

Mariozah21 opened this issue · 2 comments


RLCraft Dregora Server/Client

▶️Please specify if it's about the Dregora Server pack or Clientside installation by placing "x" into []◀️

  • Clientside
  • [ x ] Serverside

Dregora Version

▶️Please specify the Dregora version that you are running by placing "x" into []◀️

  • [ x ] v1.0.1 RLCraft Dregora


▶️What is happening? - Explain what happens and what steps should be done to reproduce the issue.
Got kicked off server after big lag spike and found this in logs, I usually get lag spikes so I can add more reports when ever it happens if it helps
[10:36:00] [Server thread/FATAL] [dimstack]: The chunk generator com.pg85.otg.forge.generator.OTGChunkGenerator did not trigger net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.InitNoiseGensEvent during initialization!

5624 | Please report this issue to the mod author of the above mentionied ChunkGenerator.


That error generally should be ignored, did you pregenerate your server before playing?


Could you try 1.0.3 to see if the issue was resolved?