Dregora RL

Dregora RL


Ventoraptor Move Wrongly

Arcaryx opened this issue ยท 0 comments


RLCraft Dregora Server/Client

  • Clientside
  • Serverside

Dregora Version

  • v1.0.3 RLCraft Dregora


When riding fast-moving pets in multiplayer, particularly the Ventoraptor, there is a lot of rubberbanding and console spam due to the "moved wrongly" check. Ice and Fire mod specifically has a coremod to patch this for their entities, but lycanites does not.

For now I've just fully disabled the rubberbanding via a coremod: https://gist.github.com/Arcaryx/310bf83b85f974e6949a16f621433028

No clue what the actual cause of this is, or the ideal fix (probably more like what ice and fire did). Could be ping related, I'm connecting at ~50ms. The server is fairly fast so I don't believe it's related to server resources.