Dregora RL

Dregora RL


No natural spawning

Spyro1502 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


RLCraft Dregora Server/Client

  • Clientside
  • Serverside

Dregora Version

  • v1.0.3 RLCraft Dregora


After a while playing, we noticed no more mobs were spawning in the overworld, at least no "natural" spawning

Mounted RLCraft mobs do spawn (like mounted gryphons or dragons
Dragon, fairies do spawn
Bosses from lycanites dungeons spawns too

Everything else doesn't work, no mobs at nightime (or very, very few)
Spawners spawns absolutely nothing

It seems to only happens in the overworld, nether, end and Lost cities still seems to spawn monsters as expected, maybe just slightly less ?

I recently went to the bug meteor crater and nothing is there, not a single mob beside an ice dragon

Spawner here not spawning even when staying around
2024-12-03_14 42 43

Here are the existing mobs around when given a glowing effect to see them, 1 chupacabre, then only armor stands and mimics
2024-12-03_14 44 56


PS : I stayed AFK next to the spawner while writing this bug report, server is in hard, and I am in survival, so I confirm the spawning doesn't work


The Roguelike Dungeons spawners are custom.
Do mobs not spawn even from Lycanites dungeons spawners?


No spawner actually works in the overworld, Lycanites dungeons ones either, only the bosses are here

We had a Lycanites event, mobs from the event do spawn during that one

Spawners in lost cities and nether seems to work


This sounds like the gamerule doMobSpawning was disabled, which would result in only the custom spawning handlers running and not natural spawning/spawners.

Try reinstalling the server and copying over the world, and if there is still an issue, try creating a new world and see if the issue persists.


It seems a bit weird, as I checked the gamerule do say doMobSpawning is "true", and that only happens in the overworld. So I guess there's something causing this problem in that specific dimension as other ones works perfectly.

Also had the occasion to test, the blood moon does not work.

I will still try and see if anything is fixed


Okay so after a server reset I simply set the map back on it and it's working well again, I don't know what caused this but that's fixed, thank you !