Reproduces discs when I use it ina Jukebox
tacogerbil opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.9
When I place it under the Jukebox to pull out discs.. it pull one out but not the actual discs.... it replicates it, leaving the original in the jukebox. I'm feeding it a new one from the side using your ducts but what happens is the same disc just plays over and over.
In the image below I had to use a Hopper to a chest to solve the issue. Before the hopper wasn't there, it was a CollectorConnectedToBottomOfJukebox ---> Duct ------>BottomOfBarrel
This isn't reproducing for me. I can reproduce the bug Fabric fixed if I use FAPI 0.92.0, but with 0.92.1 the discs cycle as I would expect. So now I am wondering if you are using an old version of Cooldown Coordinator or Ductwork ... or if there is some other mod interfering with things. Are you using Lithium? Cooldown Coordinator should be suppressing its hopper optimizations, but I could look into that. Make sure you are using Cooldown Coordinator version 0.6.2 and Ductwork version 0.7.4.
I am suspecting this may be a Fabric Transfer API bug:
Are you running the very latest FAPI version? If not, would you be willing to try 0.92.1:
I am suspecting this may be a Fabric Transfer API bug: FabricMC/fabric#3680
Are you running the very latest FAPI version? If not, would you be willing to try 0.92.1:
This does not reproduce. If you can provide the full log so I can see what mods are present and what if anything is logged, I can look into it further.
I do have a question if you don't mind? I have a standard vanilla Barrel as the source... Where I put the discs. It's ALWAYS empty. The discs are in the collector or ducts (spread around) at all times. It's like they are storage themselves.
Is there a way to make it so that if the receiving end isn't taking in anything.. the the Collector leaves the items or is this the intent?
They work like hoppers; that is to say, yes they are storage and if the collector has space, it will take in items. Just like with hoppers, you can stop this by powering collectors or dampers, so if you can come up with a redstone arrangement powering the collector when you don't want it to pull items, that will prevent it from pulling the items.
(I'm fairly certain the original issue reported here is caused by a mod; maybe the same one that makes the jukeboxes look different from vanilla jukeboxes. I searched for a jukebox mod with a similar look but couldn't find one.)