Dynamic FPS

Dynamic FPS


update translation zh_cn.json

StarsShine11904 opened this issue · 1 comments


Update the translation to make the translation less like machine translation to make the translation more human.

    "config.dynamicfps.title": "动态帧率设定",
    "config.dynamicfps.category.general": "预设",
    "config.dynamicfps.reduce_when_unfocused": "丢失焦点时限制帧率",
    "config.dynamicfps.unfocused_fps": "帧率限制值",
    "config.dynamicfps.restore_when_hovered": "窗口悬停时恢复帧率",
    "config.dynamicfps.run_gc_on_unfocus": "丢失焦点时回收内存",
    "config.dynamicfps.unfocused_volume": "丢失焦点时调节音量 (%)",
    "config.dynamicfps.hidden_volume": "窗口不可见时调节音量 (%)",
    "key.dynamicfps.toggle_forced": "强制限制帧率",
    "key.dynamicfps.toggle_disabled": "动态帧率开关",
    "gui.dynamicfps.hud.reducing": "动态帧率: 已强制限制帧率",
    "gui.dynamicfps.hud.disabled": "动态帧率已禁用"

Thanks for this! A pull request would have been slightly more convenient for me, but if you don't know how to make one, it's fine. Always glad to receive localization improvements!

I literally just published an update very recently, so I don't think I'll be releasing another one right now, but these changes will definitely be in the next update :)