Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[1.12.2] CONSTANT Sound Engine Crashing

NovaViper opened this issue · 6 comments


Mod Version:
Forge Version:

Link to crash log (if applicable): fml-client-3.log

Description: In game, I keep getting the sound system crash warning constantly, nearly every 5 minutes. And sometimes after about 3 warnings, the main minecraft sounds go out entirely expect for the mod's biome sounds, which seem to be looped.


I believe this is normal, unless this is causing the game to crash. I get this too, but everything seems to be ok. I also think that this occurs in vanilla as well, sound might lag spike for a sec when it is overloaded occasionally, but correct me if im wrong about this.


I don't have this sort of thing in vanilla Minecraft. However, the game does not crash


Sweet! It's really annoying to see that error. Especially since the crash sometimes causes all of the sound in the game to stop.


The crash is actually a bug down in the sound library Minecraft uses. You don't see it that often in Vanilla because the only streaming sound it plays is ambient music, and only one of those at a time. Mods like DS play multiple streaming sounds concurrently and frequently the chances of seeing the bug goes way way up. I plan to use some code that CreativeMD came up with to work around and address this issue so that it is put to bed, permanently.


FYI I am currently testing changes to eliminate the sound engine restart stuff. Stay tuned.


Pushed v3.4.8.0 with fixes.