Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


ConcurrentModificationException happened at SoundManagerReplacement.java:240

Lothrazar opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Mod Version: DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-

*Forge Version:*

Link to crash log (if applicable): https://pastebin.com/sHmeQHwc

Description: I was just in a cave near a skeleton grinder so lots of mobs were dying


For clarity. The most common reason this occurs is if a misbehaving mod tries to play a sound within a thread other than the client thread. I would imagine the most common case is when mod logic running server side wants to play sound. That's a no-no - it crosses the side boundry. I was recently looking at source code for a mod that did this very thing.

My next BETA will have some guards in place in hopes of handling the situation rather than crashing and burning. Ideally mod authors should fix their code. But that doesn't help you. :)


I made some code changes to guard the state of the SoundManager. Not entirely sure it will address this particular issue but it would help with cross side sound submission. I posted a v3.4.9.0 to CurseForge. Give that one a whirl.