Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[Enhancement] Cease some audio effects over time

Curunir opened this issue ยท 5 comments


While I greatly appreciate the ambient sound effects, they can grate on your nerves if they repeat endlessly. Point in case: I made a beach base recently and rummaged around in it for a long time. Eventually, the seagull sounds made my ears bleed. I would appreciate a config option to have DynamicSurroundings cease repeating these ambient sounds when they have been played for a while, or simply reduce the frequency of repetitions. The trigger to reset this would be a biome change, i.e. player moving across biome borders. I am not familiar with how you currently determine what to play when, but this would be a good "immersion upgrade" from an end-user point of view.


Curunir , really !!! , If your in a park and the fauna is loud , it's annoying , but it's there , you deal with it . In DS there are settings in the mod settings to turn off any sound you don't like or change loudness or culling . I know what your asking and its already there .Go into the Forge Mods Menu and select DS then adjust to your liking . Please read the Wikki .

This should be closed as invalid


Thanks for your opinion.


The best bet for you is to create an external config file and override the biome sounds for beach. The next best thing would be what Tsoccerguy3 mentions and that is turning the volume down on the seagull sound. Sometimes its not the frequency of playing, but the fact it is loud enough that it registers more directly in your senses.


If you don't think it's a good idea, I can live with that. I certainly know how to mute and lower sound volumes. But I was thinking about player immersion - which can and will break if the same sound is repeated over and over again frequently. One solution, the most elegant one in my thinking, is to reduce frequency (probably logarithmically) until a reset event occurs. I mean this for all of those ambient highlight sounds, chiefly the birds, but anything that stands out. I am not complaining about any one particular sound, as I find pretty much all of them well-selected and fitting to their circumstances. It is just the immersion-breaking that I found to be slightly annoying.


Sound fatigue can be a problem and is generally subjective. I think the idea is an interesting one. The challenge, though, given the current implementation of DS is making such a system would be like putting a square peg in a round hole. :) I left it open because I am letting my hind brain chew on it a bit.