Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Crashes involving BiomeFogColorCalculator

xeronut opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Mod Version:
MC1.7.10-DynSurround v1.0.6.1
Forge Version:

Link to crash log (if applicable):
All fog effects were enabled in configs. Crash occurred while out exploring at night just before the sun rose. Every attempt to restart the world resulted in an identical crash. Partially/completely disabling fog effects in the configs did not allow me to access my world (crash on load), but deleting/regenerating configs then disabling all fog effect combined with deleting dsurround.dat from the world save folder allowed me to load it.


It's possible, as I was fighting mobs and some of them bestow status effects thanks to Infernal Mobs, though I didn't specifically notice it. I'll turn fog options back on in the config and blind myself to see if that triggers the crash - I'll edit this comment with results.

EDIT - https://pastebin.com/vLtnxY9C
That seems to be the issue - went to the spot I originally crashed (outside a Mesa biome), set time to 23000, drank a potion that bestowed Blindness and stood still - crash.


Did you have a blindness potion effect going?


I confirm the issue is reproduced on 1.7.10 with blindness potion effect. Any chance we get a fix soon? or should we temporary remove the mod for now?


I am currently wrapping up the 1.10.x+ releases. Once I am done with that I will be working on 1.7.10. I figure I will have an update to 1.7.10 within the week.


ok, tk


Pushed v1.0.6.2 with the fix. Let me know how it goes.