(1.12.2) Serene Seasons Compat (Again) - Savanna Not Receiving Rain In Mid Wet Season
TechnoMysterio opened this issue · 16 comments
An extension of the previous Serene Seasons issue: jungles behave as they should, not receiving rain in mid dry season (even variants like Traverse's mini jungle behave correctly), but savannas still don't receive rain in mid wet season. Stranger still is that other hot tropical biomes, like Traverse's badlands biome, DOES receive rain in mid wet season, so I'm not sure what's doing on here.
Also, quick addition, deserts (and variants like the mesa or Traverse's desert shrubland and red desert) get rain as they should, but they don't play the correct sounds, instead just getting wind with no rain sounds.
Serene Seasons: 1.1.5
Yes it does. Also, with DS installed, rain droplets appear under trees in the savanna biome when it should be raining. Is there some override for the savanna's weather in the code or in one of the json files perhaps?
No - it's something in my code. I have to rearrange the check sequence so that tropical seasons get first crack before evaluating for dust. Question on deserts - should there be dust storms during MID_DRY?
There is a mid dry season for deserts. Current code says not to do any precipitation effect rendering thus preventing dust storms or rain during that sub season. My thought was to leave as is.
So an extra weather variant for the deserts, meaning you get nothing in mid dry season? Sure, keeps it varied.
Yep. So what is going to happen in deserts is:
- MID_WET - it will have rain. Water rain.
- MID_DRY - there will be no weather rendering.
- Any other season it would have dust storms.
Yeah, that keeps it interesting, makes it feel like the seasons are progressing. Also, watery rain is my favourite type of rain.
For Savanna it will be able to rain during the wet season, and no rendering will take place for the other seasons.
Just came here to report the drips from trees issue. Glad to see it's already fixed.
The water dripping from leaf blocks under trees when raining is a Minecraft mechanic, not DS. Is this what you are referring to?
That was what I was referring to, yes. By the way, did you look in the rain sound not playing in rainy deserts?