Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


The Betweenlands has issues with rain sounds when DS is present.

63502 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Mod Version:

Forge Version:

Currently, The betweenlands heavy rain event is completely silent as long as Dynamic surroundings is installed. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that the actual rainfall animation is being replaced and/or meddled with by Dynamic Surroundings. It causes a great amount of inconsistency when trying to do anything long term in the betweenlands.
At very least, I would suggest having some sort of dimension blacklist so that dynamic surroundings changes to weather sound/visuals/mechanics could be excluded from the betweenlands and other incompatible dimensions.
This problem is consistent across all previous 1.12.2 forge versions that I have used on which both mods are released, so I am 90% sure it originates from either DS or the Betweenlands itself.


The sounds for rain appear to be missing, as well as the visuals for raindrops hitting the surface of blocks and the ripples that form when they hit water(and puddles? idk about what happens with the puddles normally...). Thunder appears to be fine though.

Current Mod List


From the v3.4.9.4 change log:

  • Support for the mod The Betweenlands. When in The Betweenlands dimension:
    -- Fog modification by Dynamic Surroundings is disabled. BL provides it's own fog effects that are neat.
    -- All sound modifications for biomes by Dynamic Surroundings is disabled. BL provides it's own sound effects that are decent.
    -- The Betweenlands likes controlling it's own weather patterns. However, DS should still be able to render the downfall, rain splashes, ripples, replace thunder sounds, etc.

To be clear the only thing that is missing is the rainfall sound? What other mods do you have installed?


As of the betweenlands version 3.3.9, the missing rain sounds/visuals problem appears to no longer occur every time it rains. I will investigate further to find out what situations the sounds/visuals are missing in, and what situations they work properly.


The problem appears to be related to rain intensity. Sometimes the rain is silent and has no block spatter/ripple animations, and sometimes it is played at normal volume and has full animations. The volume of sounds and the intensity of the animations varies per rain shower, but regardless of the sound/animations, the rain itself is always the same.