Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Framerate slowing to a crawl

Crowfooted opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Mod Version:
Forge Version: 2760
Occasionally I am having an issue where my framerate (which is normally a consistent 50-60 FPS) drops to 1-2 FPS and remains at that rate until I restart the client (relogging does not fix). Used LagGoggles to find the culprit and found a Dynamic Surroundings event subscriber was at over 70%. When framerate is behaving normally, this subscriber uses less than 2%.



Closing due to inactivity. If you have any other issues just let me know.


Enable DS debug in the mod config settings. When lagging hit F3 and take a screenshot for me. There should be info on the right of the display with various timings.

EDIT: Also what modpack are you using?


Will do, as soon as the issue happens again. So far it's only happened twice, near my base both times, but aside from that I can't find a pattern.

The modpack is here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/crows-dogma


Cool. One thing to keep an eye on is Biome Bundle/OTG. They handle biome registrations in a unique way and could be a source of the issue. Any issues would show up in the client log when DS debug logging is enabled.


They do handle biome registrations oddly (and it's causing me all sorts of other problems) but as far as I know they use the Forge biome dictionary. Does Dynamic Surroundings use this exclusively, or are there some features which apply only to specific biomes?


They do use the Forge dictionary. Normally, though, the various Forge registries are initialized at startup. With OTG, biomes get dynamically added/removed based on the world during runtime. For DS this means that it has to reinitialized its biome data whenever it "discovers" a biome it doesn't know about.


It seems unlikely that would be the cause then since the issue occurred in one area that I'd been playing in consistently for a couple of weeks, so I don't see why the registry would have changed. It also happened in the middle of play, rather than after loading into the world.

Something did just occur to me though - could it be something to do with Thaumcraft taint? One thing I know has changed recently in the area is my friend started doing experiments with taint nearby.


Hmm. Not sure. I have yet to run into the new Thaum taint with DS. I wouldn't think so but I have seen stranger things.


@Crowfooted Any further news?