Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Question/Suggestion: Reverb?

Drakoflame opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Now, I know that there is another mod (two if you count the community fix for the patch for the fix) that adds reverb and such, but it's been noted here and from those mods that DS and them (Sound Filters and Sound Physics) really don't like to play well together... so I was wondering if you'd jab a stick into the (p)reverb-ial corps of the dead horse, and add your own "sound physics", so that people don't have to use two mods that react like water and oil.

I don't know how hard it would be, I remember other suggestions I made in the past, you'd said it would be fairly difficult/outside your abilities, and I don't know if this would be any easier. From my limited knowledge I don't think it would be, as you'd use the same/similar code used to determine when to play something like ice cracks, or book page flipping, things like that, but instead of playing a specific sound, just induce an "echo" to others sounds when # of X block's are present above/below/to the sides of the player at most X distance.

I'd love to hear what you have to say about this Ore, I think it'd really fit in well.
Also: because it would cause performance issues (as the mod would be checking often to keep up with continuity), have the option DISABLED by default, so people don't load into a world and suddenly chug whereas before they were just fine because all of their thermal expansion ore crushers are running at once inside their stone base and now they're echoing off of each other causing deafening echoes.

And with that, I'm done. Hope you have a wonderful Halloween :D


:) As you point out the reason I don't have those features is because there are other mods that do it. And, of course, the primary reason is that I do not know enough about sound physics to do it right. I do think about this on occasion, and in fact I am due to check into the state of those other mods.


As of current, the Sound Physics mod is not actively maintained by anyone, and IS open source (If you wanna absorb it like you did with MAtmos and others)

source code for the 1.11 version (the 1.12 community update is near the end of the thread) is here:

and the source code for the 1.12 "unofficial" version is here:

I dont' know how modding works and whether it's as easy as picking apart the code and inlaying it into yours where it works, or if you can even (legally) do that, but hopefully looking at the source from them can help you either develop your own, or integrate it into yours!


Reviewing issues and this is a dupe of [#246]. Going to close this one. :)