Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Heartbeat sound, then a screen rendering crash

crysthala opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Mod Version: OreLib-1.12.2-, DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-

Forge Version:

Link to crash log: crash-2018-11-28_20.48.01-client.txt

Created a new world. It was a bit stuttery when it loaded in, and I started to hear the low-health "heartbeat" sound. I tried to open the mod's settings page. The screen turned gray for a moment, then the game crashed.

I love the bug reporting template on this page, by the way. Makes it a lot easier to remember what needs to be included. :)


This is interesting. Did you start with an old config file or from scratch?

EDIT: can you post a link to your client log as well? It may have some other evidence


Wow, quick response! Old config file. I updated from Good thing these logs get backed up... debug-1.log


Maybe this is a faster response? :)

[20:47:57] [main/ERROR] [FML]: There was a critical issue trying to build the config GUI for dsurround
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0.0"
	at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
	at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]

It's not liking the config. Can you post a link to it so I can take a peek?


I didn't know Usain Bolt made mods!

I rolled back to the previous version I was using so I could keep testing my modlist. I did notice that some of the settings had been reverted to default when I started back up: damage popoffs, critical messages, and footprints had all been re-enabled. So I switched them back, rolled forward, and tested it again. Same exact story as before. Here, have some fresh logs. I have no idea if they'll help, but just in case.

Backup I made of the config file with the working version: dsurround - backup.txt
And this is the one left after running the game: dsurround.txt


OK. For the v3.5.0.1 version of the config you need to manually edit and change the "Hurt Threshold" from 8 to 0.25. With v3.5.0.1 it is now a percentage rather than a specific number. This should may get you going. (It won't.) I will need to add some validation code to clamp values when the config file is read to prevent stuff like this.

I still need to dig into the format conversion error. Nothing immediately stands out. I was able to duplicate it by dropping your config into my dev environment.


Hooray, no more heartbeats. It still crashes when I attempt to open the config screen, so I just backed up the old config and let the mod generate a new default one. Now works perfectly.

Thanks so much for your help! This mod is great, really makes MC feel more alive.


To fix the crash you will need to change the prefix on the "Hurt Threshold" config setting. Change it from "I" to "S". The "I" is telling the config system to parse it as an integer but since it is a float field now a days it chokes. I will need to figure out how to fix this one, too.


I have the changes committed to GitHub. When the v3.5.0.2 version of DS gets published you will also need to grab the latest OreLib library. This should happen within the next couple days.


Pushed OreLib v3.5.0.1 to CurseForge. This should fix the crash and handle the config property conversion. Another change for Dynamic Surroundings will be posted in a couple days (depending) that caps the hurt threshold percentage at 0.5 (50%).


Cool! Thanks again for your help.


Pushed v3.5.0.2 to CurseForge.