Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Sound scaling not working

Pentasis opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Mod Version:

Forge Version:

Raptor sound button in config is mapped to other birds (crows? in the distance). And it seems the raptor sound is not mapped to a volume control at all?


The raptor sounds are recording clips of 3 different raptors: bald eagle chirping, a red tailed hawk, and a red shouldered hawk. I did double checked and the sounds are correct for me.

As for mapped to volume control they are mapped to the ambient sound slider (assuming that is the volume control you are referring to).


No I'm referring to the individual sound volumes.
In the 3.4-branch I lowered the raptor sound (that is what it is called on the config screen) since it was (is) too loud for me.
In the 3.5-branch I noticed that sound was loud again and now the same button in the individual sound screen is mapped to another sound.
Sorry if it is confusing, I'm very bad at explaining things.


Shot in the dark - make a backup copy of your dsurround.cfg, and then delete the one in your instance folder. The 3.5.x versions of DS may not have converted the cfg file correctly from the prior version. As for the config entry not mapping to the right sound that is really weird. This is a first.

(Oh, and post a link to your client log - there may be something else going on.)

FYI - I am going to be away for the holidays and will not be able to actually look at this until I get back.


I think resetting the config did the trick. I should've tried that before posting I guess. Sorry to have bothered you.
Happy holidays and safe travels.


Reopening since I think the high-pitched raptor sound does not adhere to the set volume. It does in the config screen when pressing 'play', but in-game it is still max volume.

Edit: it is the red tailed hawk sound.


It is all the sounds! I just didn't notice because I only lowered the raptor sounds. But trying to lower the elephant sounds also doesn't work. It seems the individual volumes are not respected. You can test this by enabling the crafting sound and then setting the crafting sound volume to 1 (or even 0). It is still played at max volume.
Sorry for the confusion, it wasn't apparent to me it was all the sounds since I only noticed it with raptors.


Pushed v3.5.4.1 with a fix.


@evertx Did you have DS prior to version 3.5 installed? If so, did you delete the config file?