Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Crash related to "ticking Particle" (ENTITY_PARTICLE_TEXTURE)

Null-151 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


*Mod Version:*

*Forge Version:*

*Link to crash log (if applicable):*https://paste.dimdev.org/fegaralocu.mccrash

Description: I cannot say much appart from that the only thing I was doing was walking in a ravine placing torches in a creative world. Have a good day


The same crash happened again in a new world, this time only a few seconds after starting it. I begin to suspect that this has something to do with CubicChunks, since I didn't had any problems like this before installing it


I'm also encountering this same crash. @Null-151 were you able to work around it at all?


@TimTinkers No luck, its a compatibility problem with Cubic Chunks.


@Null-151 I was able to avoid this crash by modifying the Dynamic Surroundings configuration file such that "Enable Client Chunk Caching" was set to false, like so.

    B:"Enable Client Chunk Caching"=false

Can confirm this works and was actually looking for this as I have just gotten a fresh install of Minecraft + Forge and was trying to find the workaround for D-surround and CC again. Cheers. Might as well close this issue.