Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[Suggestion] Streams compatibility (custom running water sound in river biomes?)

katubug opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi! Sorry for deleting your template - since this isn't a bug report I hope that's acceptable.

I've been thinking about adding the mod Streams to my modpack, but my current issue with it is that the default running-water sound make it seem like every river is a raging rapids instead of a peacefully flowing brook. I was wondering if it would be possible to play a custom sound for rivers only?

Not a modder, but my guess is that the limitation would be that, if you were standing in a Forest biome next to the river you'd still hear the rushing sound? But Streams says they use non-decaying flowing water blocks, so perhaps that would allow you to attach a custom sound to them? I don't know, I'm probably overthinking this. Anyway, thank you for the excellent mod, and for your time!


I think it is because of the size of the rivers. I do have block definitions for their water sources, and one of them is the "splash" effect. It's the one that generates the sound. Each one of those source blocks would have this effect, and when you get a bunch together it can sound loud. I have been thinking of a different way of handling. I have ideas, but I am not sure how to make it work as of yet.

EDIT: Also, there is a biome sound attached to the River biome. I think those are two different things. Its been a bit since I looked at Streams so it could have changed.


Ahh, okay, that does make sense. I didn't do a ton of experiments, just happened to notice it as I was walking by a river during some other tests. I'll check out the River vs Flowing Water noise shortly.

In the meantime, I'm glad to hear it's on your radar. :) If there's any way I can help, let me know!