Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Crackle/pop when running on grass or dirt.

shintol opened this issue ยท 0 comments


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Forge Version:

When I run on grass there's randomly a popping or crackle sound at the end of one of the running sound effects. It doesn't happen on any other surfaces and does not happen when walking. The sound does not happen if I turn off first person footstep cadence and run around. I can recreate the pop/crackle most often when jumping on grass or dirt and it happens regardless of whether first person footstep cadence is on or off.

Edit: It appears grass_run1.ogg specifically is the cause. Every time I play it, I hear a crackle/pop in the middle. I think that's just how it's supposed to sound though and I never noticed it until now. When running it sounds like a bunch of popping or clicking though.