Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Disabling all Dynamic Surrounds sounds also disables sounds from other mods

kaporli opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Mod Version:



When disabling all of the individual sounds in this mod it also disables all the sounds from ambient sounds mod. I want to have the visuals of this mod but the sound effects of ambient sounds but the two don't seem to play nice together. I was hoping maybe there would be a fix?


Can you link your dsurround.cfg file? May need your client side log as well to ensure something else isn't going on.


Ice and Fire, and I'm not sure it is the culprit. The switch documented will do extra checks during sound play and if there is a thread violation it will crash pointing the finger at the offender.


Can you link your dsurround.cfg file? May need your client-side log as well to ensure something else isn't going on.

https://pastebin.com/UBT19aHs here's the .cfg file but how would I share my logs? It's too big to be shared via Pastebin or hastebin. Is there a specific part of it you would like to see? This is the first time I've reported an issue.


You can zip up the log and link it here. Text compresses really nice. I did look at the config and nothing stood out. BTW, are you wanting to disable footsteps sounds? If so, you can go to the volume control dialog in the configuration settings and set the footstep volume to 0. This will disable the various footstep effects.


Well, I only want to disable footsteps so that I could use ambient sounds' footsteps instead. I like all the other sounds from this mod much more except for the footsteps. And I've tried that but it won't allow me to upload .7z files. I uploaded it to MediaFire instead. Here's the link https://www.mediafire.com/file/87i8mxpd0o5bsxq/latest.7z/file


There are some interesting errors related to ElectroBobs, but nothing specific to sounds that I can see. Can you run Minecraft with a switch - docs are here: https://dynamicsurroundings.readthedocs.io/en/master/debugging.html. Sometimes a mod will do things like play a sound from the server thread which is a big no no. A mod in your pack has been guilty of this in the past.


Which mod has been doing this? Do you think getting it off my modlist would help?


@kaporli looks like I&F had a major update fixing a bunch of stuff.