Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


missing grass support for fireflies

0Navis0 opened this issue ยท 13 comments


The AbyssalCraft, Botania, RandomThings, Tinker's Construct, Natura and Betweenlands grasses still don't support fireflies. :(


The firefly effect is tied to specific grasses/plants and is not generalized. Also, fireflies are limited to biomes that have some level of humidity and isn't too hot. For example, desert/arid biomes/hot will not have the firefly effect.

AbyssalCraft - I elected not to add firefly effects to that grass. The AbyssalCraft biomes in Overworld have an end particle effect and it would seem to be a bit much.

Botania - flowers already have a shimmering/spark particle effect. Not aware of any other grass.

Tinkers slime grass - to me it didn't right to have firefly particles.

Natura - don't see grass as part of the mod. It does have shrooms and crops - I avoid tying fireflies to those.

Betweenlands - not there yet. I been looking at that mod and it's on my list to provide support.

This being said I am looking at increasing the frequency of fireflies from Vanilla items. Just need to figure out a good way to balance it against having BoP installed.


So why not give the choice in the config for adding manually the grass for supporting fireflies ?


Okay thanks, I will look at it. ;)


Try this condition string: "weather.isNotRaining && isNight && !biome.isDry && ONEOF(biome.temperature,'mild','warm')"

And the chance is low. Essentially it says 1 in 10. Try something like 30-40.


I'm increasing the spawn rate of fireflies for the Vanilla red, yellow, and double tall plants. Should be about 40% more frequent.


Oh I don't think it's the good place for asking about that, but I tried to add my own config for supporting other grass for fireflies you won't support. But the condition doesn't work, I get fireflies all the time :(


Anyway I still think you give a support for all the grasses I put in my own external config. ;)


Oh wait it works now, I made made an error in the condition, I had written "isNotRaining" instead of "weather.isNotRainning". And 30 or 40 is too much, I get really more fireflies than with other grasses you already support.


Oh wait the chance is reversed, more the value is high, less there are fireflies.




It's not really normal. ^^'


Posted a BETA to CurseForge that increases the number of fireflies around Minecraft flowers. Regular Minecraft "tallgrass" does not have this block effect. Other modded plants will be handled via mod support.