Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Support for missing biomes

0Navis0 opened this issue ยท 40 comments


The IntegratedDynamics meneglin biome isn't supported for ambience noise.


Another question, did you already think to support modded dimensions for ambience sounds ?


You can do that already by using a name pattern that matches a modded biomes name.


Oh yeah it's right, but kinda complicated to do. ^^'


I come with other problems for ambience sounds. Darklands and darkland plains have highlands sounds while they are supposed to be plain. Deserts haven't any sounds, and Oasis haven't sandstorm.


Darklands and Darklands Plains have the wind sound, not the normal Overworld Plains sounds. Reason is that to me those biomes seemed sparse. I did not see any AbyssalCraft biomes named "Desert" or "Oasis".


I talked about BOP oasis, and Darkllands aren't really parsed, they are just normal plains. ^^'


Frankly the wind sound doesn't fit at all the darklands and darkland plains, you should just give him plain noises. ^^'


Bog are supposed to be swamp biomes, and dead forest ad forest biomes. You should really make your sounds algorithm dynamic, depending of the biome type and not the biome directly. It will make easier any integrations.


Bog and Dead Forests from BOP haven't any sounds too. :(


Dead Forests don't have sounds - they're dead. :) Bog doesn't have an ambient sound during the day, but at night there should be crickets.


There is no "biome type" property on the Biome object. Best I can do is match based on name. The entries in the config file are a set of rules that match based on name. It is possible that more than 1 rule can match a biome.

The bog coloration and sounds in DS are inspired based on where I lived in southern areas of the US. I could have easily made them similar to where I live now but folks wouldn't recognize it as a bog. Other biomes also could have been different such as Shield (central Canada has large tracks of shield biomes) and Taiga (a boreal type forest). I also live near on of the largest rain forest in the US - and it is cooler most of the year unlike the rain forests found in South America. The rain forest has most of the trees and stuff found in boreal forests, but it is just really wet. I guess my point is that there is quite a bit of wiggle room in the interpretation of what a Minecraft biome would be compared to real world and there would be differences in opinion as to how the biomes should be "classified".

As for the Dead Forest I have ideas of what I want to do with it. I haven't found all the sound files I want for the biome. Once I pull that together I will do an update for the biome.

All this being said if you have any sound clips for biomes or wildlife that you think can fit I would be more than happy to take a listen. I am always looking for new sounds to add.


Where is such a registration? Looked in the code and I didn't see anything like that. Looking at Minecraft 1.10.2/1.11.x.

EDIT: Let me further qualify. BOP has it's own internal types, and they map to ICY, COOL, WARM, and DESERT in the base Forge types. The Dead Forest is a BOP type of BOREAL, which maps to Forges's COOL.


I did find some sounds for bog that I like. They will be in the next update. Sounds will be applied to other boggy type biomes like bayou, marsh, etc. (Technically some of those are more swamp than bog but I think the sound still applies.)


Dead Forest is registered as a Taiga type biome. If you search for new sounds, you can use the Matmos ones, there are the ones from Ambient Sounds which are nice too. You can ask to their authors if you can use them, I don't think they will disagree. ;)


I add to the list of the biomes you can support the Birch Autumn Forest and Spruce Mountains from RealWord. http://10paksmods.net/realworld_biomes.html


Tundra should have taiga or plain sounds, and the darklands and darklands plains have still highland sound while they are supposed to be plain biomes. Many BOP snowy biomes have still no sounds like snowy coniferous forests.


Taiga is actually a Boreal type forest. Tundra is tundra - pretty barren. And I haven't touched Darklands biomes beyond what I have already done.


Wait I will do something simpler, I will give you a list of all the biomes and what kind they are, it will be simpler.


Here is the list, it includes Vanilla, Biomes O Plenty, RealWorld, Thaumcraft, AbyssalCraft, Integrated Dynamics biomes. I hope it will help you. ;)

  • desert

    • desert
    • mesa
    • lush desert
    • outback
    • wasteland
    • xeric shrubland
  • forest

    • forest
    • birch forest
    • roofed forest
    • orchard
    • cherry blossom grove
    • grove
    • mystic grove
    • orchad
    • origin island
    • origin valley
    • rainforest
    • sacred springs
    • woodland
    • birch autumn forest
    • darklands forest
    • magical forest
  • highland

    • extreme hills
    • alps
    • crag
    • highland
    • mountain peak
    • volcanic island
    • darklands highland
    • darklands mountains
  • jungle

    • jungle
    • bamboo forest
    • encalyptus forest
    • oasis
    • overgrown cliffs
    • tropical island
    • tropical rainforest
  • plains

    • plains
    • mushroom island
    • chaparral
    • flower field
    • flower island
    • grassland
    • lavender fields
    • meadow
    • prairie
    • shrubland
    • darklands
    • darklands plains
  • savanna

    • savanna
    • brushland
    • lush desert
    • outback
    • steppe
    • xeric shrubland
  • swamp

    • swampland
    • bayou
    • bog
    • dead swamp
    • lush swamp
    • mangrove
    • marsh
    • moor
    • quagmire
    • coralium infested swamp
  • taiga

    • taiga
    • cold taiga
    • mega taiga
    • coniferous forest
    • dead forest
    • fen
    • heathland
    • land of lakes
    • maple wood
    • ominous woods
    • redwood forest
    • seasonal forest
    • shield
    • snowy coniferous forest
    • snowy forest
    • temperate rainforest
    • spruce moutains
    • meneglin
  • tundra

    • ice plains
    • cold desert
    • glacier
    • tundra
  • beach

    • beach
    • cold beach
    • gravel beach
    • stone beach
  • ocean

    • ocean
    • deep ocean
    • frozen ocean
    • coral reef
    • kelp forest
  • river

    • river
    • frozen river
  • ender

    • end
  • nether

    • hell
    • boneyard
    • corrupted sands
    • fungi forest
    • phantasmagoric inferno
    • polar chasm
    • undergarden
    • visceral heap

Added some code to dump out the BiomeDictionary registrations for the various Minecraft biomes as well as BoP. Look for the stuff between < and >. Some of the stuff is fairly interesting.

[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cold Taiga Hills]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,HILLS,SNOWY,> temp: -0.5 (icy) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Extreme Hills+]:<SPARSE,FOREST,MOUNTAIN,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Kelp Forest]:<OCEAN,RIVER,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Sunflower Plains]:<PLAINS,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Clouds]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Tundra]:<COLD,SPARSE,DRY,DEAD,WASTELAND,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Grove]:<SPARSE,WET,LUSH,FOREST,PLAINS,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Wetland]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,FOREST,SWAMP,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Crag]:<COLD,DRY,MAGICAL,MOUNTAIN,HILLS,WASTELAND,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mega Taiga Hills]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.3 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Glacier]:<COLD,SNOWY,WASTELAND,> temp: -0.5 (icy) rain: 0.2 PRECIPITATION DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Fen]:<COLD,DENSE,WET,DEAD,FOREST,SWAMP,> temp: 0.4 (mild) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION AURORA FOG fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Stone Beach]:<BEACH,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cold Taiga]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,SNOWY,> temp: -0.5 (icy) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Shrubland]:<SPARSE,DRY,PLAINS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.05 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Maple Woods]:<COLD,DENSE,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mangrove]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,OCEAN,RIVER,FOREST,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Savanna Plateau M]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,HILLS,> temp: 1.0 (warm) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:elephant(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:20],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Temperate Rainforest]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,FOREST,> temp: 0.75 (mild) rain: 1.2 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Bayou]:<HOT,DENSE,WET,SWAMP,> temp: 0.85 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Hell]:<HOT,DRY,NETHER,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:255,g:0,b:0]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Tropical Rainforest]:<HOT,DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,> temp: 1.2 (warm) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Roofed Forest M]:<HILLS,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Bog]:<COLD,WET,FOREST,SWAMP,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION AURORA FOG fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa Plateau F]:<SPARSE,MESA,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [UnderDOCN]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:underdeepocean(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:whale(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cherry Blossom Grove]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,MAGICAL,FOREST,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Woodland]:<DENSE,DRY,FOREST,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [(WTF Just Happened)]: FAKE  NONE
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Snowy Coniferous Forest]:<COLD,DENSE,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,SNOWY,> temp: -0.25 (icy) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Savanna Plateau]:<HOT,SPARSE,SAVANNA,PLAINS,> temp: 1.0 (warm) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:elephant(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:20],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Ice Mountains]:<COLD,MOUNTAIN,SNOWY,> temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Seasonal Forest]:<COLD,DENSE,FOREST,> temp: 0.4 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [UnderRVR]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:underriver(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Chaparral]:<DRY,PLAINS,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Desert M]:<HOT,DRY,SAVANNA,PLAINS,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Rainforest]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 1.2 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Tropical Island]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,OCEAN,RIVER,> temp: 1.0 (warm) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Roofed Forest]:<DENSE,SPOOKY,FOREST,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Shield]:<COLD,DENSE,WET,FOREST,> temp: 0.3 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Meadow]:<COLD,SPARSE,WET,LUSH,FOREST,PLAINS,> temp: 0.45 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Extreme Hills+ M]:<HILLS,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [DesertHills]:<HOT,DRY,HILLS,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [UnderOCN]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:underocean(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Extreme Hills]:<MOUNTAIN,HILLS,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Extreme Hills M]:<HILLS,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Coral Reef]:<OCEAN,RIVER,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Underground]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:underground(player.isInside && player.Y < 33), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rockfall(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:30],[dsurround:bigrockfall(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:15],[dsurround:monstergrowl(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [River]:<RIVER,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Highland]:<WET,MOUNTAIN,HILLS,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Savanna M]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,HILLS,> temp: 1.1 (warm) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:elephant(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:20],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [TaigaHills]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Flower Island]:<DENSE,LUSH,MAGICAL,OCEAN,RIVER,PLAINS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [FrozenRiver]:<COLD,RIVER,SNOWY,> temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Beach]:<BEACH,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Ice Plains Spikes]:<COLD,HILLS,SNOWY,> temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mega Spruce Taiga]:<DENSE,FOREST,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [JungleEdge]:<HOT,WET,JUNGLE,FOREST,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mountain Foothills]:<SPARSE,DRY,FOREST,MOUNTAIN,HILLS,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.1 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mountain Peaks]:<SPARSE,DRY,FOREST,MOUNTAIN,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.1 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cold Taiga M]:<COLD,DENSE,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,HILLS,SNOWY,> temp: -0.5 (icy) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Lush Swamp]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,SWAMP,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:crickets(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [MushroomIsland]:<MUSHROOM,> temp: 0.9 (mild) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Underwater]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:underwater(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Dead Swamp]:<COLD,SPARSE,WET,SPOOKY,DEAD,SWAMP,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION AURORA FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cold Desert]:<COLD,DRY,SNOWY,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.0 DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:255,g:255,b:255]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Savanna]:<HOT,SPARSE,SAVANNA,PLAINS,> temp: 1.2 (warm) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:elephant(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:20],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [The End]:<COLD,DRY,END,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:theend(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Volcanic Island]:<HOT,DRY,DEAD,OCEAN,RIVER,MOUNTAIN,WASTELAND,> temp: 1.2 (warm) rain: 0.2 PRECIPITATION DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:river(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [The Void]:<PLAINS,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Flower Field]:<LUSH,PLAINS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Swampland]:<WET,SWAMP,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:crickets(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Heathland]:<SPARSE,DRY,FOREST,PLAINS,> temp: 0.75 (mild) rain: 0.2 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Orchard]:<DENSE,LUSH,FOREST,PLAINS,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Wasteland]:<SPARSE,DRY,DEAD,WASTELAND,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Snowy Forest]:<COLD,SPARSE,WET,FOREST,SNOWY,> temp: -0.25 (icy) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Birch Forest Hills M]:<DENSE,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Forest]:<FOREST,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Extreme Hills Edge]:<MOUNTAIN,> temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Jungle]:<HOT,DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Lavender Fields]:<LUSH,MAGICAL,PLAINS,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Prairie]:<SPARSE,DRY,PLAINS,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Swampland M]:<SPARSE,WET,SWAMP,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:crickets(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa (Bryce)]:<HOT,DRY,SAVANNA,PLAINS,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Plains]:<PLAINS,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.4 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Boreal Forest]:<COLD,DENSE,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.3 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Xeric Shrubland]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,LUSH,SANDY,> temp: 1.5 (warm) rain: 0.1 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Dead Forest]:<COLD,SPARSE,DRY,DEAD,FOREST,> temp: 0.3 (mild) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION AURORA; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Grassland]:<WET,PLAINS,HILLS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [FrozenOcean]:<COLD,OCEAN,SNOWY,> temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Birch Forest Hills]:<FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Sacred Springs]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,MAGICAL,FOREST,> temp: 0.8 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa]:<MESA,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [JungleHills]:<HOT,DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,HILLS,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [ForestHills]:<FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Brushland]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,> temp: 1.5 (warm) rain: 0.1 NONE
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Ice Plains]:<COLD,SNOWY,WASTELAND,> temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Deep Ocean]:<OCEAN,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:0.4, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Redwood Taiga Hills M]:<DENSE,FOREST,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Moor]:<WET,HILLS,SWAMP,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Jungle M]:<HOT,DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,HILLS,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mystic Grove]:<DENSE,WET,LUSH,MAGICAL,FOREST,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [MushroomIslandShore]:<MUSHROOM,BEACH,> temp: 0.9 (mild) rain: 1.0 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Steppe]:<DRY,PLAINS,SANDY,> temp: 0.75 (mild) rain: 0.1 PRECIPITATION DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Cold Beach]:<COLD,SNOWY,BEACH,> temp: 0.05 (cool) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION AURORA
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mega Taiga]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,> temp: 0.3 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Lush Desert]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,LUSH,SANDY,> temp: 1.2 (warm) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Land of Lakes]:<DENSE,WET,FOREST,SWAMP,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:64,g:96,b:64] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Quagmire]:<WET,DEAD,SWAMP,WASTELAND,> temp: 0.55 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION DUST FOG dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102] fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Desert]:<HOT,DRY,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Gravel Beach]:<BEACH,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa Plateau F M]:<HOT,DRY,SAVANNA,FOREST,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Outback]:<HOT,SPARSE,DRY,SAVANNA,SANDY,> temp: 1.5 (warm) rain: 0.05 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa Plateau]:<MESA,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Oasis]:<HOT,SPARSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,SANDY,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.5 DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:rattlesnake(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Birch Forest M]:<DENSE,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Ocean]:<OCEAN,> temp: 0.5 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:beach(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:seagulls(isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Redwood Forest]:<DENSE,FOREST,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.7 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [JungleEdge M]:<HOT,SPARSE,HILLS,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Taiga M]:<DENSE,FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Coniferous Forest]:<COLD,DENSE,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,> temp: 0.45 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Origin Island]:<PLAINS,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Village]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:village.rooster(!player.isInside && isSunrise && weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC, d:100+100],[dsurround:village.anvil(!player.isInside && isDay && weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC, d:100+200],[dsurround:village.dogbark(!player.isInside && weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC, d:200+200],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [OuterSpace]: FAKE  NONE
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Bamboo Forest]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,FOREST,> temp: 0.9 (mild) rain: 0.85 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Flower Forest]:<FOREST,HILLS,> temp: 0.7 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:0.3, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Birch Forest]:<FOREST,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Ominous Woods]:<DENSE,WET,SPOOKY,DEAD,MAGICAL,FOREST,> temp: 0.45 (mild) rain: 0.6 PRECIPITATION; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Overgrown Cliffs]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,MOUNTAIN,HILLS,> temp: 0.95 (mild) rain: 0.75 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Mesa Plateau M]:<HOT,DRY,SAVANNA,PLAINS,> temp: 2.0 (hot) rain: 0.0 NONE; sounds [[dsurround:plains(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:300 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:coyote(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Marsh]:<WET,LUSH,SWAMP,> temp: 0.6 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION FOG fogColor:[r:128,g:128,b:128] fogDensity:0.6; sounds [[dsurround:bog(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crocodile(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Taiga]:<COLD,CONIFEROUS,FOREST,> temp: 0.25 (mild) rain: 0.8 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:wolf(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Alps]:<COLD,DRY,MOUNTAIN,SNOWY,> temp: -0.5 (icy) rain: 0.3 PRECIPITATION AURORA; sounds [[dsurround:wind(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Eucalyptus Forest]:<DENSE,WET,JUNGLE,LUSH,FOREST,> temp: 0.85 (mild) rain: 0.9 PRECIPITATION; sounds [[dsurround:jungle(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:forest(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],[dsurround:crickets(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]; spot sound chance:200 spot sounds [[dsurround:insectbuzz(weather.isNotRaining), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:primates(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:bird(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:woodpecker(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],[dsurround:owl(weather.isNotRaining && isNight), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10],]
[16:51:52] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biomes [Player]: FAKE  NONE; sounds [[dsurround:heartbeat(player.isHurt && !player.isDead), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC],[dsurround:tummy(player.isHungry && !player.isDead), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC, d:300+0],[dsurround:dimension.nether(player.dimension == -1), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:BACKGROUND],]

@Hypsellis Check out the v3.4.1.0 version. I changed how the biome rules get applied.


It sounds really better, but some biomes like desert and savanna biome type sounds so empty.


Desert and savanna have always been kinda empty. They have some spot sounds - sounds that can randomly play. They don't have any background sound tracks like, say, Forest.


Oh, should mention the next BETA will have some more tweaks for Savanna. I think I missed some sounds when I changed how the system works.


And the current debug trace dumping the configuration for biomes can be found here. Note that the biome list includes Vanilla as well as BoP biomes.


Okay, you should add some background sounds fro desert and savanna, because they sounds empty compared to the others. I didn't try for snowy biomes with the new version, but I knew it they were pretty empty in the older versions too.


Yep. Snowy biomes do not have any background sounds, though with this update they could have wind if they are hills or mountains. Regarding the desert and savanna ones - I haven't found any decent background sound tracks.


There is a problem with BOP Tundra biome, it has dust storm while it should rain on this biome, it's a cold biome, not a desert...


Ice Desert, too. Here is what the trace shows:


[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biome [Tundra/biomesoplenty:tundra] (88):
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + <SPARSE,DEAD,WASTELAND,DRY,COLD>
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + temp: 0.2 (mild) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + sounds [
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   [dsurround:wind(), v:0.2, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + ]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + spot sound chance:250
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + spot sounds [
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   [dsurround:insectbuzz(), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   [dsurround:crow(weather.isNotRaining && isDay), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:SPOT, w:10]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + ]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + comments:
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Wind for Hills/Wasteland
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Dust for desert like biomes
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Insect buzz
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Crow

Ice Plains:

[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: Biome [Ice Plains/minecraft:ice_flats] (12):
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + <SNOWY,WASTELAND,COLD>
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + temp: 0.0 (cool) rain: 0.5 PRECIPITATION DUST AURORA dustColor:[r:204,g:185,b:102]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + sounds [
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   [dsurround:wind(), v:0.2, p:1.5, t:BACKGROUND]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + ]
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: + comments:
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Wind for Hills/Wasteland
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Dust for desert like biomes
[20:22:47] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround/]: +   Display aurora

I think it is keying off of WASTELAND. It's on my list of things to look at for the next BETA.


You shouldn't use wasteland but sandy and mesa keywords for desert ambience effects.


Pushed a v3.4.4.0 BETA that should address the dust in Ice Plains and Tundra. And there are other biomes that have dust effects other than SANDY or MESA. Wasteland does have dust effects as well. In these cases, though, I needed to add some additional logic to make sure places like snowy and swamp biomes are excluded.


There is dust storm in Darklands biomes while it shouldn't.


Yeah it gets it, and like I told you before, you shouldn't use WASTELAND for the dust but SANDY and MESA. Wasteland significates only the biomes is almost empty with not a lot nature, it doesn't mean it's a desert, like tundra.


Another problem with Nether dust storm, the dust storm doesn't stop when being in a liquid in the Nether, it continues inside the liquid.


"Darklands" has the biome attributes of <WASTELAND,SPOOKY>. It is getting the dust from the WASTELAND rule. The "Darklands" biome the only one that doesn't fit from AbyssalCraft?


Lava or any other modded liquid that can spawn in the Nether like the acid from Ad Inferos and the hot spring water from BiomesOPlenty.


No, I have a rule specifically to tag WASTELAND biomes with dust. It is not just limited to SANDY and MESA. :) Reason is that there are other biomes tagged with WASTELAND that get dust.

As for the Nether liquid issue which liquid? Lava?


Lush desert, Outback, Xeric Shrubland from Bop and Spiny Forest from Realword should have both Savannah and Desert sounds since they are a mix between both.
Darklands and Darklands Plains have still Highlands sounds while they are plain biomes, and dust storm happens in them while it should be rain.


I found some sounds for Savanna that will be in the v3.4.5.5 release. Because of the rule Lush Desert, Outback, and Xeric will get these sounds as well. I haven't looked at Realworld so I can't say for that one.

Darklands gets the wind sound because it is a WASTELAND. Darkland Plains will have the normal forest sounds, no wind. Dust will also be addressed.


It's Wasteland and Plains too. You should look for RealWorld, think to look for Traverse too.