Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[1.12.2] nether biome fog settings are just black.

xemnes opened this issue ยท 9 comments


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Forge Version:


my nether biome fog settings arent working correctly, its just black fog wherever i am in the nether. i cant figure out whether something in the mod is overriding it as theres no way of indicating whether a config might be doing so.
this is what my nether looks like https://i.imgur.com/x6G7fIa.png

and im using these settings https://pastebin.com/CD11cQzB

if i remove those settings, the fog turns dark red. if i disable fog and use optifines fog, its a lighter red.
i feel like its multiplying the existing fog with the custom fog causing it to be darker than it should be, even though according to my settings it should be bright red.

whilst im here, might a suggest a "fog distance" option? similar to how it works in optifine, define how far the fog starts from the player for a more smoother fog falloff as it currently seems fixed and i prefer a lot larger fog gradient like it is in vanilla.


If you can enable debug logging in the dsurround.cfg. When the client starts up and loads the biome profiles should be dumped to the log file. Link a copy of that here so I can take a look to see what the final application of the config is.


where will the log file be?


Its in the logs folder in your Minecraft instance folder. debug.log I think has it.


OK. What I believe is happening is that the dust color is overriding the fog color. Since "Hell" has both turned on dust will win. Try turning off dust color to see if it does what you want.


why would dust color even be modifying fog color, i thought they were two completely different things


ok disabled my dust settings, its a little lighter now but its still not as light as i want it to be https://i.imgur.com/NqS7vUQ.png
not as light as i can set it in optifine anyway.


Biome fog color and density is a complex calculation that is performed. The area around the player is scanned to determine biome distribution in the area. Based on those percentages the colors from those biomes are blended together to get a final color value. Not knowing the area around you it could be that biomes with darker fog/dust colors are tinting it to the darker end.

The color that DS uses for the nether is pure red (255,0,0). You can override this in your config, and perhaps you can add more white to brighten - maybe (255,64,64).


ive tried that, i cant get it any lighter than what it is. setting it to 255,255,255 is just a redish grey but is still extremely dark for what would normally be white: https://i.imgur.com/bSQ1SwT.png