Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Sounds like iron when walking with 1 leg on block other on air

OreCruncher opened this issue ยท 7 comments


@BeefyTim Moved from the BetterRain repository.


@BeefyTim I am unable to duplicate this issue with my 1.10.2 build. I know what you are talking about - I experience the problem in my 1.7.10 build using Crackpack. What version of the mod are you using?


I was using version


As a side note, it also happens to me. I did edit the data files to remove sounds/stop certain sounds from playing.


@Fortist You experienced this with the 1.10.2 build? I know its in the 1.7.10 version.


@BeefyTim @Fortist OK - been thinking on this a bit. I am wondering if a block sound is getting stomped. If you are running the latest version for 1.10.2/1.11.2 what you can do for me is:

  • Enable the "Debug Dialog" option under "Logging Options" in the config GUI for the mod.
  • Restart the client.
  • Find a block that exhibits the bad behavior.
  • Focus your crosshairs on the block.
  • Look at the "Block Data" tab in the Debug Dialog.
  • Let me know what "Block Name", "Block Material" and "Acoustics" contains. (Or you can screen shot the dialog and post a link.)

I found the problem in 1.7.10. I am putting in extra code for 1.10.2/1.11.2 to detect similar conditions to prevent this from happening.


Pushed release ( with fix to CurseForge