Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[1.16.4] How do I config weather/haze/etc within custom dimensions?

Moleculor opened this issue · 30 comments


I've made a few custom dimensions for various purposes (via datapack), and I wanted to disable weather/fog/haze/etc within those dimensions.

The wiki's instructions for configuring dimensions don't make sense, as they refer to files that don't exist and lines within those files that I can't seem to find. (e.g. config/dsurround/dsurround.cfg and S:"External Configuration Files")

I tried throwing a .json in to the \config\dsurround\configs folder that DynSurround seems to have created, but that achieved nothing, and I don't see any place that's clearly where I'm supposed to indicate that DynSurround should be using that file.

I also attempted to recreate the \assets\dsurround\configs\environs\dimensions.json directory within a datapack to add in my custom dimension as an entry, though I honestly don't even know if that would ever work for any mod, so it was mostly me firing blindly in to the dark.

You can see both my custom dimensions and that failed attempt in the uploaded file, if you want to look:

How do I achieve what I'm trying to accomplish? I tried looking around for a Discord where I could ask, but I'm coming up empty.

-- System Details --
	Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
	Minecraft Version ID: 1.16.4
	Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
	Java Version: 14.0.2, AdoptOpenJDK
	Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), AdoptOpenJDK
	Memory: 4060808048 bytes (3872 MB) / 6442450944 bytes (6144 MB) up to 6442450944 bytes (6144 MB)
	CPUs: 8
	JVM Flags: 10 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx6144m -Xms6144m -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
	ModLauncher: 8.0.6+85+master.325de55
	ModLauncher launch target: fmlclient
	ModLauncher naming: srg
	ModLauncher services: 
		/mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE 
		/eventbus-3.0.5-service.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.4-35.1.36.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.4-35.1.36.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.4-35.1.36.jar capability_inject_definalize PLUGINSERVICE 
		/accesstransformers-2.2.0-shadowed.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.4-35.1.36.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE 
		/mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.4-35.1.36.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE 
	FML: 35.1
	Forge: net.minecraftforge:35.1.36
	FML Language Providers: 
		[email protected]
	Mod List: 
		astralsorcery-1.16.4-1.13.9.jar                   |Astral Sorcery                |astralsorcery                 |1.16.4-1.13.9       |DONE      |45:2b:0a:49:6b:65:3b:39:a9:dd:d2:5b:55:7f:82:47:a5:1d:7a:cc:7f:a8:69:73:72:53:6f:57:4d:b2:1a:b7
		restrictedportals-1.16.4-1.1.6.jar                |Restricted Portals            |restrictedportals             |1.16.4-1.1.6        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		areas_1.16.4-1.1.jar                              |Areas                         |areas                         |1.1                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		PreGenForge-0.2.2-mc1.16.4.jar                    |PreGenForge                   |pregenforge                   |0.2.2               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		DeathCounter-1.16.3-1.2.1.jar                     |Death Counter                 |deathcounter                  |1.2.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		mcw-windows-1.0.2-mc1.16.4.jar                    |Macaw's Windows               |mcwwindows                    |1.0.2               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		windowlogging-mc1.16.3_v0.0.2.jar                 |Windowlogging                 |windowlogging                 |0.0.2               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		findme-1.16.3-                         |Find Me                       |findme                        |NONE                |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Neat 1.7-25.jar                                   |Neat                          |neat                          |1.7-25              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		BetterCaves-Forge-1.16.4-1.1.1.jar                |YUNG's Better Caves           |bettercaves                   |1.16.4-1.1.1        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		TerraForged-1.16.4-0.2.0-RC-3.jar                 |TerraForged                   |terraforged                   |0.2.0-RC-3          |DONE      |7b:73:d0:a2:c3:40:13:84:35:4f:c9:0e:2b:85:8c:08:ea:3c:3c:eb:f1:98:8b:5b:6e:ca:8a:a0:9a:cf:12:b3
		XaerosWorldMap_1.11.7_Forge_1.16.5.jar            |Xaero's World Map             |xaeroworldmap                 |1.11.8              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		CTM-MC1.16.1-                          |ConnectedTexturesMod          |ctm                           |MC1.16.1-    |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		CookingForBlockheads_1.16.3-9.2.2.jar             |Cooking for Blockheads        |cookingforblockheads          |9.2.2               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Controlling-                          |Controlling                   |controlling                   |            |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Placebo-1.16.4-4.4.0.jar                          |Placebo                       |placebo                       |4.4.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		YungsApi-1.16.4-Forge-3.jar                       |YUNG's API                    |yungsapi                      |1.16.4-Forge-3      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		mightyarchitect-mc1.16.3_v0.5.jar                 |The Mighty Architect          |mightyarchitect               |0.5                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ftb-gui-library-1604.1.1.26.jar                   |FTB GUI Library               |ftbguilibrary                 |1604.1.1.26         |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		worldborder_1.16.4-2.0.jar                        |World Border                  |worldborder                   |2.0                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Bookshelf-1.16.4-9.3.25.jar                       |Bookshelf                     |bookshelf                     |9.3.25              |DONE      |eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		Tips-1.16.4-3.0.2.jar                             |Tips                          |tips                          |3.0.2               |DONE      |ea:45:b3:82:b6:9d:50:16:95:e7:2e:34:e1:92:d5:b4:9b:69:90:d3:4f:2e:71:99:b0:be:40:80:27:1f:3e:b0
		u_team_core-1.16.4-                 |U Team Core                   |uteamcore                     |          |DONE      |f4:a6:0b:ee:cb:8a:1a:ea:9f:9d:45:91:8f:8b:b3:ae:26:f3:bf:05:86:1d:90:9e:f6:32:2a:1a:ed:1d:ce:b0
		randompatches-2.1.5-forge.jar                     |RandomPatches                 |randompatches                 |2.1.5-forge         |DONE      |92:f6:29:d4:09:89:f5:f5:98:5e:20:34:31:d0:7b:58:22:06:bd:a5:d1:6a:92:6e:ac:3d:8d:18:c5:b2:5b:d7
		mcw-doors-1.0.1fix-mc1.16.4.jar                   |Macaw's Doors                 |mcwdoors                      |1.0.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Hwyla-forge-1.10.11-B78_1.16.2.jar                |Waila                         |waila                         |1.10.11-B78_1.16.2  |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		SnowRealMagic-1.16.4-2.3.0.jar                    |Snow! Real Magic!             |snowrealmagic                 |2.3.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		JustEnoughResources-1.16.4-         |Just Enough Resources         |jeresources                   |          |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		horsestandstill-1.16.3-1.0.1.jar                  |Stupid Horse Stand Still      |horsestandstill               |1.16.3-1.0.1        |DONE      |1f:47:ac:b1:61:82:96:b8:47:19:16:d2:61:81:11:60:3a:06:4b:61:31:56:7d:44:31:1e:0c:6f:22:5b:4c:ed
		ftb-teams-1604.1.0.13.jar                         |FTB Teams                     |ftbteams                      |1604.1.0.13         |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		shetiphiancore-1.16-3.8.4.jar                     |ShetiPhian-Core               |shetiphiancore                |3.8.4               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		supplementaries-0.9.21c.jar                       |Supplementaries               |supplementaries               |0.9.21c             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Buddycards-1.16.4-1.6.1.jar                       |Buddycards                    |buddycards                    |1.16.4-1.6.1        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		chocolate-1.3.0-1.16.4.jar                        |Chocolate                     |chocolate                     |1.3.0-1.16.4        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		mcw-bridges-1.0.4-mc1.16.4.jar                    |Macaw's Bridges               |mcwbridges                    |1.0.4               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		FarmersDelight-1.16.3-0.3.0.jar                   |Farmer's Delight              |farmersdelight                |1.16.3-0.3.0        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		useful_backpacks-1.16.4-             |Useful Backpacks              |usefulbackpacks               |           |DONE      |f4:a6:0b:ee:cb:8a:1a:ea:9f:9d:45:91:8f:8b:b3:ae:26:f3:bf:05:86:1d:90:9e:f6:32:2a:1a:ed:1d:ce:b0
		AmbientSounds_v3.1.4_mc1.16.4.jar                 |Ambient Sounds                |ambientsounds                 |3.0.3               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ftb-ranks-1604.1.1.9.jar                          |FTB Ranks                     |ftbranks                      |1604.1.1.9          |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		mcw-trapdors-1.0.0-mc1.16.4.jar                   |Macaw's Trapdoors             |mcwtrpdoors                   |1.0.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Autofish-0.9.1-forge-mc1.16.4.jar                 |Autofish                      |autofish                      |0.9.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Botania-1.16.4-410.jar                            |Botania                       |botania                       |1.16.4-410          |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		spark-forge.jar                                   |spark                         |spark                         |1.4.3               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		pamhc2foodextended-1.16.3-1.0.0.jar               |Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Food Exte|pamhc2foodextended            |version             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		curios-forge-1.16.4-                   |Curios API                    |curios                        |1.16.4-      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		eidolon-0.2.7.jar                                 |Eidolon                       |eidolon                       |0.2.7               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Patchouli-1.16.4-48.jar                           |Patchouli                     |patchouli                     |1.16.4-48           |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		overworld_two-1.0-Forge-1.16.4.jar                |Overworld 2                   |overworld_two                 |1.0                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		collective-1.16.4-1.53.jar                        |Collective                    |collective                    |1.53                |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		DummyPlayers-1.0.0-release+1.jar                  |DummyPlayers                  |dummyplayers                  |1.0.0-release+1     |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		miraisoftloginmessages-1.16.2-1.16.4-1.0.2.jar    |Custom login messages         |miraisoftloginmessages        |1.0.2               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		mcws-roofs-2.0.0-mc1.16.4.jar                     |Macaw's Roofs                 |mcwroofs                      |2.0.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		observerlib-1.16.4-1.5.1.jar                      |ObserverLib                   |observerlib                   |1.16.4-1.5.1        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		moreoverlays-1.18.13-mc1.16.5.jar                 |More Overlays Updated         |moreoverlays                  |1.18.13-mc1.16.5    |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		cloth-config-forge-4.1.3.jar                      |Cloth Config v4 API           |cloth-config                  |4.1.3               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		FastLeafDecay-v25.jar                             |FastLeafDecay                 |fastleafdecay                 |v25                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		BetterMineshafts-Forge-1.16.4-2.0.jar             |YUNG's Better Mineshafts      |bettermineshafts              |1.16.4-2.0          |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		BetterAdvancements-1.16.4-           |Better Advancements           |betteradvancements            |           |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Kiwi-1.16.3-3.4.1.jar                             |Kiwi                          |kiwi                          |3.4.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		TrashSlot_1.16.3-12.2.1.jar                       |TrashSlot                     |trashslot                     |12.2.1              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		jei-1.16.4-                           |Just Enough Items             |jei                           |            |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		FallingTree-Forge-1.16.4-2.10.0.jar               |Falling Tree                  |falling_tree                  |2.10.0              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		WAWLA-1.16.4-7.0.2.jar                            |WAWLA                         |wawla                         |7.0.2               |DONE      |ea:45:b3:82:b6:9d:50:16:95:e7:2e:34:e1:92:d5:b4:9b:69:90:d3:4f:2e:71:99:b0:be:40:80:27:1f:3e:b0
		create-mc1.16.3_v0.3e.jar                         |Create                        |create                        |mc1.16.3_v0.3e      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Clumps-                               |Clumps                        |clumps                        |            |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.1.jar              |Shutup Experimental Settings! |shutupexperimentalsettings    |1.0.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		comforts-forge-1.16.4-                 |Comforts                      |comforts                      |1.16.4-      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		appliedenergistics2-8.2.0-beta.2.jar              |Applied Energistics 2         |appliedenergistics2           |8.2.0-beta.2        |DONE      |95:58:cc:83:9d:a8:fa:4f:e9:f3:54:90:66:61:c8:ae:9c:08:88:11:52:52:df:2d:28:5f:05:d8:28:57:0f:98
		NaturesCompass-1.16.4-1.8.6.jar                   |Nature's Compass              |naturescompass                |1.16.4-1.8.6        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		SereneSeasons-1.16.4-       |Serene Seasons                |sereneseasons                 |1.16.4-     |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		DefaultSettings-1.16.x-2.2.0.jar                  |DefaultSettings               |defaultsettings               |2.2.0               |DONE      |ed:1c:55:41:73:fd:14:1b:28:fe:ea:30:c5:11:3b:4d:3f:82:86:57:bb:5b:8a:b2:d7:f3:04:52:52:92:cf:e7
		FarmingForBlockheads_1.16.3-7.2.1.jar             |Farming for Blockheads        |farmingforblockheads          |7.2.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.4-2.9.3-120.jar |PneumaticCraft: Repressurized |pneumaticcraft                |1.16.4-2.9.3-120    |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		snowundertrees-1.16.4-v1.1.3.jar                  |Snow Under Trees              |snowundertrees                |v1.1.3              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		DataFixerSlayer 1.0-3.jar                         |DataFixerSlayer               |datafixerslayer               |1.0-3               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		environmentalcreepers-forge-1.16.3-1.6.0.jar      |Environmental Creepers        |environmentalcreepers         |1.6.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Toast-Control-1.16.3-4.3.0.jar                    |Toast Control                 |toastcontrol                  |4.3.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		dismountentity_1.16.4-1.2.jar                     |Dismount Entity               |dismountentity                |1.2                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		immersive-portals-0.14-mc1.16.4-forge.jar         |Immersive Portals             |immersive_portals             |0.14                |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ImmersivePetroleum-1.16.4-3.1.0-2.jar             |Immersive Petroleum           |immersivepetroleum            |3.1.0-2             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		forge-1.16.4-35.1.36-universal.jar                |Forge                         |forge                         |35.1.36             |DONE      |22:af:21:d8:19:82:7f:93:94:fe:2b:ac:b7:e4:41:57:68:39:87:b1:a7:5c:c6:44:f9:25:74:21:14:f5:0d:90
		blame-1.16.4-1.9.0.jar                            |Blame!                        |blame                         |1.9.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		DynamicSurroundings-1.16.4-            |§3Dynamic Surroundings        |dsurround                     |1.16.4-      |DONE      |b4:98:14:b9:76:55:25:4f:e5:5f:4d:71:90:87:43:5b:f9:d5:3a:02:60:42:5e:da:1f:15:9c:ff:be:a9:7c:77
		ironchest-1.16.4-11.2.10.jar                      |Iron Chests                   |ironchest                     |1.16.4-11.2.10      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		forge-1.16.4-35.1.36-client.jar                   |Minecraft                     |minecraft                     |1.16.4              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		cofh_core-1.16.3-1.1.6.jar                        |CoFH Core                     |cofh_core                     |1.1.6               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		thermal_foundation-1.16.3-1.1.6.jar               |Thermal Series                |thermal                       |1.1.6               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		thermal_innovation-1.16.3-1.1.7.jar               |Thermal Innovation            |thermal_innovation            |1.1.7               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		thermal_expansion-1.16.3-1.1.6.jar                |Thermal Expansion             |thermal_expansion             |1.1.6               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		thermal_locomotion-1.16.3-1.1.6.jar               |Thermal Locomotion            |thermal_locomotion            |1.1.6               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.4-6.0.3.jar          |EnchantmentDescriptions       |enchdesc                      |6.0.3               |DONE      |eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
		MouseTweaks-2.13-mc1.16.2.jar                     |Mouse Tweaks                  |mousetweaks                   |2.13                |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Psi-1.16-90.jar                                   |Psi                           |psi                           |1.16-88             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.4-4.1.2-129.jar         |Immersive Engineering         |immersiveengineering          |1.16.4-4.1.2-129    |DONE      |44:39:94:cf:1d:8c:be:3c:7f:a9:ee:f4:1e:63:a5:ac:61:f9:c2:87:d5:5b:d9:d6:8c:b5:3e:96:5d:8e:3f:b7
		durability101-1.16-0.0.3.jar                      |Durability101                 |durability101                 |0.0.3               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		CreativeCore_v2.0.10_mc1.16.4.jar                 |CreativeCore                  |creativecore                  |2.0.0               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		jeiintegration_1.16.4-                |JEI Integration               |jeiintegration                |            |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Xaeros_Minimap_21.0.0_Forge_1.16.5.jar            |Xaero's Minimap               |xaerominimap                  |21.1.0              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		pamhc2foodcore-1.16.3-1.0.0.jar                   |Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Food Core|pamhc2foodcore                |version             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		gravestone-1.16.4-1.0.8.jar                       |Gravestone Mod                |gravestone                    |1.16.4-1.0.8        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ftb-backups-                           |FTB Backups                   |ftbbackups                    |             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		thermal_cultivation-1.16.3-1.1.6.jar              |Thermal Cultivation           |thermal_cultivation           |1.1.6               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		polymorph-forge-1.16.4-0.23.jar                   |Polymorph                     |polymorph                     |1.16.4-0.23         |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		AutoRegLib-1.6-47.jar                             |AutoRegLib                    |autoreglib                    |1.6-47              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		Quark-r2.4-295.jar                                |Quark                         |quark                         |r2.4-295            |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		enderchests-1.16-1.7.5.jar                        |EnderChests                   |enderchests                   |1.7.5               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		structurize-0.13.104-ALPHA-universal.jar          |Structurize                   |structurize                   |0.13.104-ALPHA      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		AmbientEnvironment-                    |Ambient Environment           |ambientenvironment            |             |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		minecolonies-0.13.566-ALPHA-universal.jar         |Minecolonies                  |minecolonies                  |0.13.566-ALPHA      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		World Stripper-1.16.4-2.0.1.jar                   |World Stripper                |worldstripper                 |2.0.1               |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		AppleSkin-mc1.16.2-forge-1.0.14.jar               |AppleSkin                     |appleskin                     |1.0.14              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		lootr-1.16.4-                          |Lootr                         |lootr                         |1.16.4-      |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		ferritecore-1.1.1.jar                             |Ferrite Core                  |ferritecore                   |1.1.1               |DONE      |41:ce:50:66:d1:a0:05:ce:a1:0e:02:85:9b:46:64:e0:bf:2e:cf:60:30:9a:fe:0c:27:e0:63:66:9a:84:ce:8a
		engineersdecor-1.16.4-1.1.6.jar                   |Engineer's Decor              |engineersdecor                |1.1.6               |DONE      |bf:30:76:97:e4:58:41:61:2a:f4:30:d3:8f:4c:e3:71:1d:14:c4:a1:4e:85:36:e3:1d:aa:2f:cb:22:b0:04:9b
		moredragoneggs-1.4.jar                            |More Dragon Eggs              |moredragoneggs                |1.4                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		durabilityviewer-1.16.4-forge35.0.7-1.10.jar      |Giselbaers Durability Viewer  |durabilityviewer              |1.16.4-forge35.0.7-1|DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		easyelytrato_1.16.4-1.5.jar                       |Easy Elytra Takeoff           |easyelytrato                  |1.5                 |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		CosmeticArmorReworked-1.16.4-v1.jar               |CosmeticArmorReworked         |cosmeticarmorreworked         |1.16.4-v1           |DONE      |5e:ed:25:99:e4:44:14:c0:dd:89:c1:a9:4c:10:b5:0d:e4:b1:52:50:45:82:13:d8:d0:32:89:67:56:57:01:53
		EnderMail-1.16.4-1.2.0.jar                        |Ender Mail                    |endermail                     |1.16.4-1.2.0        |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE

The instructions for 1.12.2 do not apply to 1.16.4. I haven't published info on how to do it with 1.16.4 as of yet. It's on my list of things to do. Once I get DS for 1.16.4 to release I am going to be working on the docs.


That doesn't surprise me. I kinda figured that the old documentation was for an old version.

Is it currently technically possible to achieve what I'm aiming for, and just undocumented? If so, I'll likely make a (quiet) attempt or four more to try and figure out how. (And possibly ask for help from others. I don't mod, but I can occasionally read code.)

If it's currently impossible because it's unimplemented, would you mind letting me know? It'll be nice to stop beating my head against the wall.


It's possible. Three reasons I haven't talked about it: a) it may be tweaked further, b) may be some bugs in there in terms of handling faulting jsons, and c) time to document. :)

Main thing I did was break the configs apart. For dimensions there is a "dimensions.json" you will need to create. Here is an example of one I use for the built in config. It has to be called dimensions.json, and drop it into the .minecraft/config/dsurround/configs/dsurround folder. (You may need to create that path.) Make sure you drop it specifically into this path.

Right now loading configs from a datapack is blocked. There are some datapack behaviors I need to figure out how to handle. It's not rocket science - just a time thing.


That's actually very close to the example file I based my attempt off of.

I even named it dimensions.json. ... and had it in a datapack! Aha! No datapacks!

And no "dimensions" entry, either, just straight in to the dimIds, can do that...

Okay. So, the mod creates most of that directory structure, I just need to make the last /dsurround folder and drop it there. Sweet. Thanks. I was most of the way there, just couldn't figure out where to shove the file!

...turns out it's actually a /configs/environs directory, not /configs/dsurround, but that actually wasn't hard to figure out...

Okay! After much tweaking (and stupidly missing that I didn't need the "dimensions": entry for the longest time) and a much smaller test instance, I've managed to go from

2021-01-19_10 26 41
2021-01-19_10 34 19


		"dimId": "moleculor:showcase_day_void",
		"aurora": true,
		"haze": false,
		"weather": false,
		"fog": false

The overcast sky is possibly a bug? I'm starting a thunderstorm in the overworld and then teleporting over here. This is why my dimension was showing haze/fog/overcast when it was thundering in the overworld. Using that config above gets rid of the fog (or maybe haze, but I want both gone anyway), but doesn't seem to get rid of the overcast nature of the sky. (Eventually I'll be using Serene Seasons, which has something like 24 Minecraft days of frequent thunderstorms, so it's something I want to control in this dimension.)

A brief look around and rereading the old documentation suggests maybe I'm misinterpreting "weather" effects as sky/rain and instead those are things like the sound of rain and/or water droplets hitting the ground or something.

So it could be that I'm literally trying to do something your mod wasn't designed to do. 😄

Basically I want this (time frozen) world to look like this regardless of the overworld weather:

2021-01-19_10 41 48

Have I taken this as far as I can with your mod, and need to look for overcast sky solutions elsewhere?

(Don't get me wrong, the fog was actually the major issue directly in front of me, and the overcast sky is probably something I can either work with or work around. So you've helped with my biggest problem. Don't let the overcast sky being the dramatic difference fool you.)

And yes, I fully acknowledge that all of this may change at some point, locations may differ, file formats may change, stuff may break, and if the overcast skies are a bug you may not have time to address it any time in the next year, etc. I'm comfortable with that! Thanks again!


If you put in the environs directory it actually replaces what DS has configured - the entire dimensions.json. It's why I mentioned putting in the dsurround subfolder. When you do that it merges the changes in rather than replace. Of course, if you intend to flat out replace then doing it that way would work.

As for the coloration that is a Minecraft mechanic. It darkens the sky color based on the intensity of the rain. It gets even darker if it is a thunder storm. I am looking at another set of enhancements that are weather related. I can see if it is realistic to change the sky tinting based on configs.


Ah, I see. I must have been trying \config\dsurround\configs\dsurround when I was also trying the wrong file format. Thanks! Got it flipped over to \config\dsurround\configs\dsurround now and it's working.

And no pressure on the sky coloration thing. The fact that no one has made dimension-specific weather (at least not since Mystcraft and 1.12) says it may be outside of the scope of this mod, which I can be comfortable with. Besides, I'm currently using undocumented features anyway!

(I'll let you decide whether to close this issue or not. Thanks again!)


Cool. I am going to leave open until I get resource/data packs working.


Just as a heads-up (I can work around this problem pretty easily), files buried deep in that directory in \defaultconfigs don't carry over to \config. I realize that's probably a given since they're not actually Forge-formatted/controlled config files, but it does lead to an unexpected bit of behavior for end-users used to that behavior.

(Obviously not at all a priority since this is undocumented, unsupported, and subject to change. But I thought it might be useful to mention, maybe.)


The next update will have a way to include files in a resource pack. Once I publish I will put a mini how-to here.


Pushed to CurseForge.

Quick and dirty. In your resource pack you will have a namespace for the pack. Within create a folder called "dsurround_configs". Inside that you will need to put in the dimensions.json file you created, as well as another new file called "manifest.json". The image belows shows a biomes.json, which would be a different type of definition file.


This file serves the purpose of identifying that namespace as having configs that need to be processed, and has the following content:

  "version": 0,
  "name": "This is a test pack",
  "author": "OreCruncher",
  "website": "whatever"

Of course, you can set the properties to whatever you need them to be. Some of this data will show up in the log files when it is processed. You don't have to set these values if you don't want to. You could have a manifest that only contains "{ }".

If you have configs that are tied to a specific mod, you would have that mods ID as a namespace, and follow the instructions listed above. These configs, however, will fully replace what DS may have done as a default rather than merge in like earlier versions of DS.


Thank you!

The manifest looks remarkably similar to the pack.mcmeta file in all datapacks, but doesn't seem to do much and as you say, can just be { }.

I'm assuming there are future plans for this manifest of some kind? Mostly curious, since it otherwise seems extraneous.


If you have configs that are tied to a specific mod, you would have that mods ID as a namespace, and follow the instructions listed above. These configs, however, will fully replace what DS may have done as a default rather than merge in like earlier versions of DS.

Any guesses as to how this would behave for dimensions defined within a namespace inside of a datapack rather than a mod? Ultimately it probably won't impact me, but I'm just being thorough. Because currently I'm literally using my name (moleculor) as the namespace for a pack I have for certain things like .mcfunctions and alternate dimensions, etc, and since I'm likely to just dump this directly in to the same namespace, I'm curious.


Yes - looks similar to a pack.mcmeta. The problem comes into determining what should be loaded from which namespace. If there is a mod, say "environs", installed I can easily look into a resource pack for a namespace called "environs". However, if the pack defines it's own namespace ("testpack"), there will not be a mod called "testpack" in the mod list. The presence of this file in that namespace tells me that its a pack namespace and that it should be loaded. (With the Forge API I can get a list of namespaces in the resource pack, but I do not know which one to load.)

From a futures standpoint I do not plan a lot for the moment. I will log info into the log so that if there are issues there will be info as to where the configs came from. I do not envision having a config menu like Resource Packs because that would be really redundant.

Your last question - if you have a pack only namespace, say "moleculor", DS will interpret any configs belonging to that namespace. The data would be merged into an existing complimentary configs. Say for example you define a "biomes.json" that adds additional background sounds from the resource pack, this info will be merged into the existing config creating larger variety. Now, if your biomes.json was put into a directory called "/assets/dsurround/dsurround_configs/biomes.json" it would override whatever DS config would be, replacing it entirely. Using this method you could develop a resource pack that could replace the entire DS configuration.

If another mod also had a namespace "moleculor" defined, the highest priority resource pack would win.


Okay, thanks! A little bit surprised that you can't/don't look for folder names like dsurround_configs but there's probably a reason for it I don't see.

That said, using DynamicSurroundings-1.16.4- I've tried putting my current, working config file in to a known-working datapack in the directory structure shown to no success. Specifically \datapacks\moleculor_showcase_datapack\assets\moleculor\dsurround_configs\dimensions.json with a manifest.json along side it within the same directory.

My dimensions and .mcfunctions load from the data pack, so I know it's loading. The assets directory is at the same level as the data directory in the same pack, which I believe is the normal way things are (same level as the pack.mcmeta file).

I've tried a manifest.json containing the following, a no-spaces-no-uppercase version, and a version that was just { }.

  "version": 0,
  "name": "Moleculor's Dimensions Shouldn't Have Fog",
  "author": "Moleculor",

A (large, sorry) debug.log.

I can at least keep it working if I have the configs in the old directory location.


Yeah - you can't scan a JAR too easily like you can a file system. The APIs around accessing resources in a JAR assume the program knows exactly what its looking for and where to find it. I know that a JAR can be opened like a ZIP but that has its own set of challenges.

As for the manifest the first thing I noticed is that there is a trailing comma on the "author" line. Remove that. :)


My current manifest is just { }.


Can you provide me a ZIP of the pack? I want to get it under a debugger and see whats going on.


The testing process for verifying if it's loading or not is to start it thundering with an extreme duration in the overworld, then to teleport over to showcase_day_void, and see if blocks are fading into the 'storm fog'.


From what I can tell I see things are working. The pack loads, DS sees the configs and loads up the dimensions.json. When I transition dimensions it finds the config and applies it successfully. According to debug DS fog calculations are disabled. This does not mean that Vanilla or another mod couldn't apply fog effects.

-- System Details --
	Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
	Minecraft Version ID: 1.16.5
	Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
	Java Version: 14.0.2, AdoptOpenJDK
	Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), AdoptOpenJDK
	Memory: 3196952504 bytes (3048 MB) / 6442450944 bytes (6144 MB) up to 6442450944 bytes (6144 MB)
	CPUs: 8
	JVM Flags: 10 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx6144m -Xms6144m -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
	ModLauncher: 8.0.9+86+master.3cf110c
	ModLauncher launch target: fmlclient
	ModLauncher naming: srg
	ModLauncher services: 
		/mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE 
		/eventbus-4.0.0.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.5-36.0.13.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.5-36.0.13.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.5-36.0.13.jar capability_inject_definalize PLUGINSERVICE 
		/accesstransformers-3.0.1.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.5-36.0.13.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE 
		/mixin-0.8.2.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE 
		/forge-1.16.5-36.0.13.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE 
	FML: 36.0
	Forge: net.minecraftforge:36.0.13
	FML Language Providers: 
		[email protected]
	Mod List: 
		forge-1.16.5-36.0.13-client.jar                   |Minecraft                     |minecraft                     |1.16.5              |DONE      |NOSIGNATURE
		forge-1.16.5-36.0.13-universal.jar                |Forge                         |forge                         |36.0.13             |DONE      |22:af:21:d8:19:82:7f:93:94:fe:2b:ac:b7:e4:41:57:68:39:87:b1:a7:5c:c6:44:f9:25:74:21:14:f5:0d:90
		DynamicSurroundings-1.16.4-            |§3Dynamic Surroundings        |dsurround                     |1.16.4-      |DONE      |b4:98:14:b9:76:55:25:4f:e5:5f:4d:71:90:87:43:5b:f9:d5:3a:02:60:42:5e:da:1f:15:9c:ff:be:a9:7c:77

When the configs are placed within the datapack...

I get this:
2021-01-30_18 18 49

When I remove the configs from the datapack and instead have them in the old location...

I get this:
2021-01-30_18 20 57

Sorry, the difference is a little more subtle than I'd like, but it's there. I can try to recreate better images if the difference isn't apparent enough.

No other mods are installed.

Is there a difference in your dev environment versus a user that would result in behavior working for you but not us? (I've heard that's sometimes a problem with... what... mixins?)


I think it comes down to what you are expecting when fog is set false in the config. What that means is that DS will not modify the results of any fog information generated by vanilla, or by another mod. It does not disable fog for a dimension in the literal sense.


I'm confused why I'm seeing fog in one situation, and no fog in the other, however.

The literal only thing I'm changing is the location of the config files.


Sorry, I realized those screenshots are probably terrible, so let me try again:

CONFIG IN DATAPACK: \datapacks\moleculor_showcase_datapack\assets\moleculor\dsurround_configs
2021-01-30_21 10 07

I close Minecraft, move the config files to the old config directory.
CONFIG IN CONFIG DIRECTORY: \config\dsurround\configs\dsurround
2021-01-30_21 11 42

Relevant logs:

debug in datapack.log
debug in config directory.log


My dev environment is scrambled at the moment - the Sponge servers looks to be having an issue and I cannot build. :\

Enable debug tracing for Environs, by either setting in the mod config menu, or editing environs-client.toml. When in game on the debug HUD you will see additional information displayed on the left. One of them should be "Fog". If DS is not doing fog it would be listed as IGNORED. Otherwise it will have numbers concerning fog parameters that were evaluated. (When I was testing your pack on my local box it showed as "IGNORED".)


When the config files are inside
E:\GDLauncher\instances\DSFog\saves\New World\datapacks\moleculor_showcase_datapack\assets\moleculor\dsurround_configs

I get...

2021-01-30_21 31 55

I do see 'IGNORED' when they're in the config directory, but that's the old location.


That's weird. I see ignored when I use your zip in the resourcepack directory. Can you link the debug logs for when it works and it doesn't? When it works I would expect to see something like the following:

[30Jan2021 16:32:10.036] [Render thread/INFO] [DynamicSurroundings/Lib]: Processing moleculor:dimensions.json (moleculor_showcase_datapack.zip = moleculor:dsurround_configs/dimensions.json)
[30Jan2021 16:32:10.036] [Render thread/INFO] [DynamicSurroundings/Lib]: Processing environs:dimensions.json (/assets/dsurround/configs/environs/dimensions.json)

The first line is from your resource pack, the second is from loading directly from the DS mod jar.

EDIT: I should also mention I am running 1.16.4 whereas you are running 1.16.5. Though I do not see anything in the change logs for Forge something could have changed.


I actually spent some time before posting this comment, looking through log files trying to find exactly lines similar to that that could indicate something loading or not loading, and I can definitely say I only saw the second line and others like it, never the first.

I can also say that switching things to 1.16.4 doesn't seem to make an impact (though I didn't start fresh, I downgraded from 1.16.5).

I've also tried this in a different launcher (MultiMC), so it's not GDLauncher specific.

I did link debug logs from both datapack and config directory attempts (not working/working) in this comment, though I didn't have your DEBUG settings on in those.

Debug logs for it failing to work while in the datapack with your DEBUG tracking stuff on is
in this comment, and here's a debug.log from it working when it's in the config directory: debug.log


This is probably a stupid question on my part, but your resource pack is active (in the right column in the resource pack display)?


Resource pack?

No, because they're not in a resource pack. They're in a data pack.

Because I failed to notice the conversation shifted from data packs to resource packs four days ago.

...when they're in a resource pack, they work fine. 🤦‍♂️ Sorry.


No worries. I came across this when setting up with your pack. I had to add it as a resource pack (because of /assets - client stuff) and had to add it to the data packs for world gen (because /data is server stuff). I am also adding additional logging to list out the active resource packs just in case this happens in the future.