Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Lag more lag. Then crashes.

TheRanker opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Mod Version:
DynamicSurroundings-1.16.4- The version that is installed in your pack.

Forge Version:
Forge 36.0.46
The actual Forge version - "latest" does not count.

Link to client log:
I can link a client log but it's just full of sound processor lagging until I freeze and have to force close

Link to crash log:
No crash force close by user cause of error and just a gray frozen screen on Mc.

Whenever I adjust the volume controls with ctrl +v. Or with the individual sounds. Also when I. World after an hour or more sound processor spits out error.
[03:51:54] [SoundControl Sound Processor/WARN] [SoundControl/SoundFXProcessor]: SoundControl Sound Processor is lagging; behind 554 msecs << Dynamic Surrondings.

I use specialized audio drivers for my Dre beats sound processor.

  • Did you just add the mod to a pack? No
  • Did it just start crashing, or has it always crashed? Always
  • Did you update any other mods in your pack and it started crashing? This includes Forge. Yes
  • If updating multiple mods did you update one by one or all at once? Valhelsia 3 3.1.9 to 3.2a
  • Is the modpack you are using available online somewhere? Valhelsia 3

I can gather more info and replicate the freeze anytime I want by opening ctrl v. And adjusting and waiting 1-5 seconds


That statement is more for me to understand what is going on. It's the "lag" that would cause the emission of that statement. Please link the crash log.


@TheRanker Try this updated JAR and let me know if there is a difference. I changed how the handshake works when connecting to a server. https://github.com/OreCruncher/DynamicSurroundings2/releases/tag/1.16.4-


@TheRanker Try this updated JAR and let me know if there is a difference. I changed how the handshake works when connecting to a server. https://github.com/OreCruncher/DynamicSurroundings2/releases/tag/1.16.4-

this has fixed all issues with dynamic surroundings. tyvm!!!!!!!! had to uninstall . which also avoided the bug that stumped kubejs for weeks lol


Yeah - it looks like the the handshake process changed somewhere along the line in Forge which caused a null reference exception in my code. And that exception is what was causing a lot of issues for some reason. Going to close as resolved. Thanks!