Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Mob specific footstep sounds do not play, even when DS acoustic footstep sounds are disabled.

Ozzuneoj opened this issue ยท 2 comments




(no crash)

As the title says, with DS installed none of the mob specific "step" sounds play. So, skeletons don't sound like clinking bones when they walk, and several other mobs just use the material based sounds (which sound like shoes). I love the material based sounds, but losing mob specific footsteps actually changes the gameplay in my opinion (can't tell if its a player or a skeleton coming up behind you).

At the very least for now, it would be good if setting "#Enable replacement of footstep sounds with acoustic versions" to false would bring back the default mob specific ones, but it doesn't seem to for some reason. Zombies, skeletons, etc, just end up with generic player footstep sounds when it is set to false.

I think the ideal scenario would be having the material-specific sounds have less of a "shoe" sound to them so that they would fit almost any type of "foot", and then having the mob specific sounds play at the same time. I know that redoing sounds is a lot of work, so if you'd be interested, I could help with this since I do sound editing\foley. The programming to make the game play both a material sound and the mob-specific sound is not something I'm familiar with however. I tried removing the lines in "assets\dsurround\configs\mobeffects\mobeffects.json" which list, for example ""blockedSounds": ["entity.wither_skeleton.step"]", but this didn't bring the mob sounds back either. Performance wise, I think doubling up on footstep sounds should have little or no impact on the load of the audio system because they are so short and happen infrequently compared to other things. Biggest issue would be if you had 100+ mobs tromping about, but even the vanilla game gets a bit wonky with hundreds of mobs nearby, so I don't think this would change anything.

For what it's worth, I also use a resource pack that my wife and I have made which replaces the Zombies with Robots, and I recorded and mixed robot sounds for them, including footsteps which sound like motors and metal feet (used a power drill and banging computer power supplies together for the recording). Having them sound like they are wearing shoes sounds super weird. I need my robot sounds back. ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you for your time OreCruncher.


Are there any suggestions for a config tweak or something else that can be done that will stop the mod from blocking the mob-specific footstep sounds? I noticed that when using the ctrl-v volume menu to control individual effects no mob-specific footstep effects will play at all. It is apparently blocking them universally.


Sorry, I don't want to be a pest, but it would be much appreciated if you could just check to see if this is functioning as intended.

If you switch "Enable Footprint Sound Effects" to off, do the original mob-specific sounds (zombie/step1.ogg, step2.ogg, etc.) play? For me they do not play with that set to on or off. For my needs, having the mob-specific sounds play is very important. I'd prefer to have both the new material effects as well as the mob sounds, but I understand if that isn't an easy thing to do, so I'd be happy to just be able to keep using DS while getting the original mob footstep sounds.