Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


[1.16.4/5] Sound effect upon landing from jump causes massive lag spikes

eilamg opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Mod Version: DynamicSurroundings-1.16.4-
Forge Version: Forge / 1.16.5 / 36.2.2
(Link to client log: Not sure if relevant, will provide link if you think it might help)


I'm seeing significant lag spikes (sub-second freezes) when landing from jumps with Dynamic Surroundings footstep sound effects enabled. Below are a few screenshot examples, taken when holding down space to jump a few times.

  • No armor
  • Only iron boots
  • Full iron armor set
  • Full armor, footstep effects volume set to 0% (through ctrl+v interface)

What about when walking? From the diagnostic info provide the client side tick should be fine. The pink text on the right is what my mod displays about client side tick processing and the numbers are well within the 50ms tick allotment. What type of disk is MC installed on?


Since the previous images are all from a heavily modded instance, I went ahead and ran the same test on a new instance with only Dynamic Surroundings intsalled. Minecraft, Forge, and DS versions are the same as above.

Jumping with a full set of iron armor. Spikes are still visible in graph, but the magnitude is much smaller, and there's no visible freezing.


Walking generates some visible ticks on the graph, but they are minor and there's no actual noticeable impact.

Did a couple more tests, and I think there's some interaction with Dynamic Trees.

  • Same heavily modded instance on an entirely flat map devoid of trees yielded no performance issues
  • Placed a few Dynamic Trees trees around, and the issues started again
  • Walked away from the trees - no performance issues
  • Tried jumping around a bunch of standard Minecraft trees - no performance issues
  • Jumped back into the regular (Terraforged) map from the screenshots above, gained some distance from trees - spikes remain, but less pronounced and no visible impact on performance

MC is running from an NVMe Samsung 970 EVO Plus.


Others have reported issues with Dynamic Trees as well - more than likely the culprit. I haven't had a chance to get it into a debugger to see what is going on. If you are willing to try something disable occlusion calcs in the config. This should reduce calculation load somewhat. If that doesn't have an impact you can disable enhanced sound processing. It will turn off things like cave reverb, but you will still get the other effects DS offers like biome sounds, footsteps, etc. (These options are in the Sound Control config file/menu.)


Neither option seems to have an effect.


I probably fixed the problem? I just disable sound of armor and its not making lags anymore. So just go to config -> dsurround -> mobeffects-client.toml (open it in notepad) -> find "Enable Armor Accents" -> and istead of true write false. Hope it helps.