Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Surroundings


Error 162 constantly being written to log

ejm554 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Mod Version:

Forge Version:

Link to client log:
https://paste.ee/p/oIu1u (Expires on 2022-03-19T1625)

Link to crash log:
N/A (no crash occured)

I'm seeing a steady stream of errors to the log from this modpack. It starts around line 1979 in the client log and continues past line 20000. I'm not noticing any odd behavior from the player point of view, but I'm also not sure if I've failed to notice something that's not working the way the designer's intended.

Did you just add the mod to a pack?
No, we have had it on our pack previously, and the same errors may have been logged there too. I may have just noticed it now due to paying more attention. :-)
Did it just start crashing, or has it always crashed?
No crashing has occurred.
Did you update any other mods in your pack and it started crashing? This includes Forge.
If updating multiple mods did you update one by one or all at once? To help narrow the problem down adding one by one is helpful.
One (and only?) mod added to the pack was Configured 1.5.1.
Is the modpack you are using available online somewhere? If the crash is due to mod interaction having the pack available makes things much easier. It is much harder to work these types of issues with a private kitchen sink pack containing 250 mods.
No, it's not publicly available, but I'm happy to privately share a copy of it for review. (I may not have developers' permissions to share the modpack publicly.)