Dynamic Trees Pam's Harvestcraft 2: Trees

Dynamic Trees Pam's Harvestcraft 2: Trees


Got this error preventing the mod from working.

123mind123 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Dynamic Trees for PHC2 (dtphc2) encountered an error during the construct event phase.
Java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot set config value without assigned Config object present.


Thank you for your bug report!
Can you give us more information on the error that you received?
Was it the first start of the game with this mod enabled?
Also, did you check you have the newest version of the Pam Trees, Dynamic Trees and this mod?


This might be related to another issue where the items aren't loaded until the client joins a single player instance first.
Attempt to join a single player world before joining the server to see if that fixes the crashes.


Also having this issue in 1.16.5, with Forge 36.2.34.

Pam's tree component is 1.0.1
DT is 0.10.5
DT-PHC2 is 1.0.1

I don't recall if it happened on the initial launch, but we've been working around it by deleting the config file. Weirdly, the issue is not constant. If it helps, I can link the modpack because we got it pushed to Curseforge.



Realized the config we're deleting is from Pam's trees. Uploading the file from a crash on the chance it's something funky in the file, I guess?