Cactus Roots Render Issues
RainbowSaber opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Like I said, I'm able to reproduce this. Somebody throw me a bone here. A modlist or something to get started, anything.
@RainbowSaber Don't leave issues with something like "Current Forge Version" use the actual forge version number.
For context, Forge:
Here is my mod list:
minecraft - Minecraft - 1.12.2
mcp - Minecraft Coder Pack - 9.42
FML - Forge Mod Loader -
forge - Minecraft Forge -
smoothfontcore - Smooth Font Core - mc1.12.2-1.16
foamfixcore - FoamFixCore - 7.7.4
obfuscate - Obfuscate - 0.2.6
botania_tweaks_core - Botania Tweaks Core - -100
dsurroundcore - DynamicSurroundingsCore -
smoothfont - Smooth Font - mc1.12.2-1.16.1
flintblock - A Block of Flint - 1.0
actuallyadditions - Actually Additions - 1.12.2-r143
baubles - Baubles - 1.5.2
actuallybaubles - Actually Baubles - 1.1
aether_legacy - Aether Legacy - 1.12.2-v3.2
akashictome - Akashic Tome - 1.2-10
biomesoplenty - Biomes O' Plenty -
botania_tweaks - Botania Tweaks - 1.7.1
crafttweaker - CraftTweaker2 - 4.1.11
mtlib - MTLib - 3.0.5
modtweaker - Mod Tweaker - 4.0.15
jei - Just Enough Items -
thaumcraft - Thaumcraft - 6.1.BETA26
botania - Botania - r1.10-357
redstoneflux - Redstone Flux - 2.1.0
cofhcore - CoFH Core - 4.6.1
craftstudioapi - CraftStudio API - 1.0.0
mantle - Mantle - 1.12-
natura - Natura - 1.12.2-
harvestcraft - Pam's HarvestCraft - 1.12.2z
quark - Quark - r1.5-130
ctm - CTM - MC1.12.2-
twilightforest - The Twilight Forest - 3.8.689
animania - Animania -
applecore - AppleCore - 3.1.4
appleskin - AppleSkin - 1.0.9
astralsorcery - Astral Sorcery - 1.10.3
psi - Psi - r1.1-59
autoreglib - AutoRegLib - 1.3-20
codechickenlib - CodeChicken Lib -
avaritia - Avaritia - 3.2.0
badwithernocookiereloaded - Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded - 1.12.2-3.1.14
bard_mania - Bard Mania - 0.14.0-alpha
bdlib - BD Lib -
forestry - Forestry -
beebetteratbees - Bee Better at Bees - 2.0.3
betteradvancements - Better Advancements -
bettermobgriefinggamerule - Better mobGriefing GameRule - 1.12.2-7.0.1
bibliocraft - BiblioCraft - 2.4.5
binniecore - Binnie Core -
binniedesign - Binnie's Design -
genetics - Binnie's Genetics -
botany - Binnie's Botany -
extrabees - Binnie's Extra Bees -
extratrees - Binnie's Extra Trees -
guideapi - Guide-API - 1.12-2.1.7-62
bloodmagic - Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry - 1.12.2-2.3.3-101
bonsaitrees - Bonsai Trees - 1.1.1
bookshelf - Bookshelf - 2.3.568
buildcraftlib - BuildCraft Lib - 7.99.18
buildcraftcore - BuildCraft - 7.99.18
buildcraftfactory - BC Factory - 7.99.18
buildcrafttransport - BC Transport - 7.99.18
buildcraftsilicon - BC Silicon - 7.99.18
buildinggadgets - Building Gadgets - 2.4.4
careerbees - careerbees - 1.0
carryon - Carry On - 1.11.1
chameleon - Chameleon - 1.12-4.1.3
chisel - Chisel - MC1.12.2-
chiselsandbits - Chisels & Bits - 14.27
cofhworld - CoFH World - 1.3.0
cyclopscore - Cyclops Core - 0.11.11
colossalchests - Colossal Chests - 1.6.11
refinedstorage - Refined Storage - 1.6.9
compactmachines3 - Compact Machines 3 - 3.0.12
endercore - EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.43
thermalfoundation - Thermal Foundation - 2.6.1
thermalexpansion - Thermal Expansion - 5.5.2
enderio - Ender IO - 5.0.37
enderiointegrationtic - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.0.37
tconstruct - Tinkers' Construct - 1.12.2-
conarm - Construct's Armory -
controlling - Controlling - 3.0.6
cookingforblockheads - Cooking for Blockheads - 6.4.65
ctgui - CT-GUI - 1.0.0
crafttweakerjei - CraftTweaker JEI Support - 2.0.2
p455w0rdslib - p455w0rd's Library - 2.0.35
theoneprobe - The One Probe - 1.4.25
danknull - /dank/null - 1.4.43
diethopper - Diet Hopper - 1.1
dirt2path - Dirt2Path - 1.7.1
dsurround - Dynamic Surroundings -
presets - Presets! -
dynamictrees - Dynamic Trees - 1.12.2-0.8.2
dynamictreesbop - Dynamic Trees BOP - 1.12.2-1.3.2
dynamictreestc - Dynamic Trees TC - 1.12.2-1.1.2
eerieentities - Eerie Entities - 1.0.4
eleccore - ElecCore - 1.8.434
ebwizardry - Electroblob's Wizardry - 4.1.2
csb_ench_table - Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table - 1.1.3
enderiobase - Ender IO Base - 5.0.37
enderioconduits - Ender IO Conduits - 5.0.37
enderioconduitsappliedenergistics - Ender IO Applied Energistics Conduits - 5.0.37
enderioconduitsopencomputers - Ender IO Open Computers Conduits - 5.0.37
enderioconduitsrefinedstorage - Ender IO Refined Storage Conduits - 5.0.37
enderiointegrationforestry - Ender IO Integration with Forestry - 5.0.37
enderiointegrationticlate - Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct - 5.0.37
ftblib - FTBLib -
enderiomachines - Ender IO Machines - 5.0.37
enderiopowertools - Ender IO Powertools - 5.0.37
enderioendergy - Ender IO endergy - 5.0.37
immersiveengineering - Immersive Engineering - 0.12-86
engineersdoors - Engineer's Doors - 0.8.0
shadowmc - ShadowMC - 3.8.0
extrarails - Extra Rails - 1.3.0
extrautils2 - Extra Utilities 2 - 1.0
farseek - Farseek - 2.3.1
foamfix - FoamFix - 0.10.2-1.12.2
forgelin - Shadowfacts' Forgelin - 1.8.0
ftbguides - FTB Guides -
ftbg - FTB Guide Book - 1.12.1-1.0.07
ftbutilities - FTB Utilities -
gendustry - GenDustry -
gendustryjei - Gendustry JEI Addon - 1.0.2
geolosys - Geolosys -
ichunutil - iChunUtil - 7.1.4
hats - Hats - 7.0.0
librarianlib - LibrarianLib - 4.15
hooked - Hooked - %VERSION%
hungerpersistence - Hunger Persistence - 1.0.1
llibrary - LLibrary - 1.7.15
iceandfire - Ice and Fire - 1.5.2
immersivepetroleum - Immersive Petroleum - 1.1.9
immersivetech - Immersive Tech - 1.3.10
initialinventory - InitialInventory - 2.0.2
ironchest - Iron Chest - 1.12.2-
jehc - Just Enough HarvestCraft - 1.12.2
jetif - Just Enough Throwing In Fluids - 1.1.0
journeymap - JourneyMap - 1.12.2-5.5.2
jaff - Just a Few Fish - 1.7_for_1.12
justenoughpetroleum - Just Enough Petroleum - 0.1
jeresources - Just Enough Resources -
kleeslabs - KleeSlabs - 5.4.11
lex - LibEx - 1.0.8
lttweaker - Loot Table Tweaker - 1.1.14
lunatriuscore - LunatriusCore -
magicbees - MagicBees - 1.0
malisiscore - MalisisCore - 1.12.2-6.4.0
malisisdoors - MalisisDoors - 1.12.2-7.3.0
mcjtylib_ng - McJtyLib - 3.0.6
meecreeps - MeeCreeps - 1.2.2
modularmachinery - Modular Machinery - 1.9.4
modulardiversity - Modular Diversity - 1.1
monk - Monk Mod - 1.4
morelibs - More Libs - 1.0.6
moreoverlays - MoreOverlays - 1.14
plustic - PlusTiC -
moreplates - More Plates - 5.4.3
mousetweaks - Mouse Tweaks - 2.9
nex - NetherEx - 2.0.8
netherportalfix - NetherPortalFix - 5.3.17
noctrl - NoCtrl - 1.2
nofov - No FOV - 1.0.1
recipehandler - NoMoreRecipeConflict - 0.12
nonausea - NoNausea - 1.0
oreexcavation - OreExcavation - 1.4.129
oeintegration - OreExcavation Integration - 2.3.4
placebo - Placebo - 1.5.0
portalgun - PortalGun - 7.0.2
poweradapters - Power Adapters - 1.0.11
progressivebosses - Progressive Bosses - 1.4.0
realdrops - Realistic Item Drops - 1.2.14
redstonearsenal - Redstone Arsenal - 2.6.1
refined_avaritia - Refined Avaritia - 2.4
refinedstorageaddons - Refined Storage Addons - 0.4.3
rftools - RFTools - 7.56
rftoolscontrol - RFTools Control - 1.9.1
schematica - Schematica -
signals - Signals - 1.4.0-29
solcarrot - Spice of Life: Carrot Edition - 1.3.1
storagedrawers - Storage Drawers - 1.12-5.3.5
storagedrawersextra - Storage Drawers Extras - @Version@
streams - Streams - 0.4.4
supersoundmuffler - Super Sound Muffler -
thaumicjei - ThaumicJEI - 1.2.1
thaumicperiphery - Thaumic Periphery - 0.3.0
thermaldynamics - Thermal Dynamics - 2.5.3
thermalinnovation - Thermal Innovation - 0.3.1
tinkersaether - Tinker's Aether - 1.2.0
tinkertoolleveling - Tinkers Tool Leveling - 1.12.2-1.1.0.DEV.b23e769
tipline - TipLine - 1.0.4
tombmanygraves - Tomb Many Graves - 1.12-4.2.0
tombmanygraves2api - TombManyGraves2 API - 1.12.2-1.0.0
topaddons - TOP Addons - 1.12.2-1.9.1
totemic - Totemic - 1.12.2-0.11.3
I found the issue; it's the Connected Textures Mod. It adds a sort of "dynamic wet sand" feature, that's really quite cool, but I assume that conflicts with the sand roots in Dynamic Trees.
When sand is near water, the half or so of the block near the water gets darker, and when sand is underwater or surrounded, all of it turns darker and wet.
Specifically it's the connected textures mod, and the required texture pack. The texture pack is what makes the mod have any use, if you try to replicate the issue.
@Reshirou nice work :)