Dynamic Trees

Dynamic Trees


Black texture on some leaves in Orchard biome?

Kehaan opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Describe the bug
When using DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.5 and DynamicTreesBOP-1.12.2-1.4.1e, Orchard trees from Biomes O Plenty generate in a Lost citites world, with black "leaves" as can be seen on the attached screenshot. Without those 2 mods, the trees generate the leaves just fine.

To Reproduce
Every Orchard Biome have this issue when using the above 2 mods. Also tried new worlds.

2019-06-14_22 05 18

Rendering Glitches

  • I am not using Optifine

Additional context

No crashes

*Version Minecraft
1.12.2 - forge-

Mods List
| ModID | Mod name |
| FML | Forge Mod Loader |
| additionalresources | Additional Resources |
| advancedrocketry | Advanced Rocketry |
| advancedrocketrycore | Advanced Rocketry Core |
| advancementbook | Advancement Book |
| animania | Animania |
| apotheosis | Apotheosis |
| applecore | AppleCore |
| appleskin | AppleSkin |
| appliedenergistics2 | Applied Energistics 2 |
| astralsorcery | Astral Sorcery |
| audiodeath | Audio Death |
| autoreglib | AutoRegLib |
| baubles | Baubles |
| bdlib | BD Lib |
| betteradvancements | Better Advancements |
| bettertitlescreen | Better Title Screen |
| bibliocraft | BiblioCraft |
| binniecore | Binnie Core |
| binniedesign | Binnie's Design |
| biomesoplenty | Biomes O' Plenty |
| bnbgamingcore | BnBGamingCore |
| bnbgaminglib | BNBGamingLib |
| botania | Botania |
| botania_tweaks | Botania Tweaks |
| botania_tweaks_core | Botania Tweaks Core |
| botany | Binnie's Botany |
| buildcraftbuilders | BuildCraft Builders |
| buildcraftcompat | BuildCraft Compat |
| buildcraftcore | BuildCraft |
| buildcraftenergy | BuildCraft Energy |
| buildcraftfactory | BuildCraft Factory |
| buildcraftlib | BuildCraft Lib |
| buildcraftrobotics | BuildCraft Robotics |
| buildcraftsilicon | BuildCraft Silicon |
| buildcrafttransport | BuildCraft Transport |
| chameleon | Chameleon |
| chancecubes | Chance Cubes |
| chisel | Chisel |
| chiselsandbits | Chisels & Bits |
| codechickenlib | CodeChicken Lib |
| controlledburn | Controlled Burn |
| craftstudioapi | CraftStudio API |
| crafttweaker | CraftTweaker2 |
| crafttweakerjei | CraftTweaker JEI Support |
| ctgui | CT-GUI |
| ctm | CTM |
| cucumber | Cucumber Library |
| culinaryconstruct | Culinary Construct |
| custommainmenu | Custom Main Menu |
| dcs_asm | HeatAndClimateASM |
| dcs_climate | HeatAndClimateMod |
| dcs_lib | HeatAndClimateLib |
| defaultworldgenerator-port | Default World Generator |
| dldungeonsjbg | Doomlike Dungeons |
| dynamictrees | Dynamic Trees |
| dynamictreesbop | Dynamic Trees BOP |
| dynamictreestc | Dynamic Trees TC |
| extendedcrafting | Extended Crafting |
| extrabees | Binnie's Extra Bees |
| extratrees | Binnie's Extra Trees |
| extrautils2 | Extra Utilities 2 |
| foamfix | FoamFix |
| foamfixcore | FoamFixCore |
| forestry | Forestry |
| forge | Minecraft Forge |
| gendustry | GenDustry |
| genetics | Binnie's Genetics |
| gregtech | GregTech Community Edition |
| gtadditions | Shadows of Greg |
| hardcoredarkness | Hardcore Darkness |
| headcrumbs | Headcrumbs |
| hungeroverhaul | Hunger Overhaul |
| iceandfire | Ice and Fire |
| immersiverailroading | Immersive Railroading |
| infernalmobs | Infernal Mobs |
| inventorypets | Inventory Pets |
| inventorytweaks | Inventory Tweaks |
| itlt | It's the little things |
| jei | Just Enough Items |
| jeibees | JEI Bees |
| jeiintegration | JEI Integration |
| journeymap | JourneyMap |
| justenoughdimensions | Just Enough Dimensions |
| libvulpes | Vulpes library |
| livingenchantment | Living Enchantment |
| llibrary | LLibrary |
| lostcities | The Lost Cities |
| lostsouls | Lost Souls |
| magicbees | MagicBees |
| mainmenuscale | Main Menu Scale |
| mantle | Mantle |
| matteroverdrive | MatterOverdrive: Legacy Edition |
| mcjtylib_ng | McJtyLib |
| mcp | Minecraft Coder Pack |
| meecreeps | MeeCreeps |
| minecraft | Minecraft |
| mob_grinding_utils | mob_grinding_utils |
| modtweaker | Mod Tweaker |
| mousetweaks | Mouse Tweaks |
| mtlib | MTLib |
| mtrm | MineTweakerRecipeMaker |
| mysticalagradditions | Mystical Agradditions |
| mysticalagriculture | Mystical Agriculture |
| placebo | Placebo |
| plants2 | Plants |
| psi | Psi |
| quark | Quark |
| reborncore | Reborn Core |
| redstoneflux | Redstone Flux |
| resourceloader | Resource Loader |
| rftools | RFTools |
| rftoolsdim | RFTools Dimensions |
| roughtweaks | Rough Tweaks |
| rustic | Rustic |
| rusticthaumaturgy | Rustic Thaumaturgy |
| spiceoflife | The Spice of Life |
| storagedrawers | Storage Drawers |
| tcinventoryscan | Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning |
| tconstruct | Tinkers' Construct |
| tellme | Tell Me |
| thaumcraft | Thaumcraft |
| thaumicenergistics | Thaumic Energistics |
| thaumicjei | ThaumicJEI |
| thaumicperiphery | Thaumic Periphery |
| thebetweenlands | The Betweenlands |
| theoneprobe | The One Probe |
| tinkertoolleveling | Tinkers Tool Leveling |
| tips | Tips |
| trackapi | Track API |
| triumph | Triumph |
| twilightforest | The Twilight Forest |
| weirdinggadget | The Weirding Gadget |
| worldstripper | World Stripper |
| zensummoning | Zen Summoning |
| ModID | Mod name |


Please edit your issue to have more information than just a screenshot and remove placeholders.


Also a update. I removed all mods, and only have BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-, DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.5, DynamicTreesBOP-1.12.2-1.4.1e, lostcities-1.12-2.0.20 in. And it still does the strange rendering of the leaves. Here is a newer log with only those 4 mods in, in a new world:


Please edit your issue to have more information than just a screenshot and remove placeholders.

Ok, that was embarrassing. I guess i did not correctly add the info xD As i had written it all, haha. Sorry.
Have added text now.


Also, please use hastebin for error logs and stack traces to make it so that people don't need to download files.


Also, please use hastebin for error logs and stack traces to make it so that people don't need to download files.

I was not sure, which of the logs from the logs folder, that was needed. So i thought it was better to just upload them here, than use pastebin or hastebin :)


This bug only shows up when the leaves rendering is set to fast. It's also not a bug in the Dynamic Trees base mod but instead the Dynamic Trees BoP add-on.