Swamp (and jungle) doesn't generate vines + Missing Textures
Smaxtr opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the bug
So the bug is this. Vines are not spawning in swamps (and probably in Jungles too). I haven't noticed it before but when I tested my pack to see if my Ore gen is for me satisfying enough I noticed Pink-Black Blocks labeled in the F3 menu as "minecraft:air" which are facing in 1 or 2 directions. They are also as thin as vines should be, so I relogged and they were gone and then I really noticed that there are also no vines spawning in the Swamp.
To Reproduce
- Create World
- Find Swamp and see there are no vines
Sadly couldn't take any Screenshots of the Pink and Black missing textures.
Additional context
I also found this in one of the logs that looks identical to the "minecraft:air" block and something what probably has to do with each other.
[16:22:24] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading registry [BlockState Registry]...
[16:22:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [BlockState Registry] 178402 block states processed, 28 registry entries
[16:22:24] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to find BlockStateData for state [minecraft:air[east=false,north=false,south=true,up=false,west=false]]
**Mods List**
minecraft | 1.12.2
mcp | 9.42
forge |
agriseasons | 1.0.2
creativecoredummy | 1.0.0
ivtoolkit | 1.3.3-1.12
littletilescore | 1.0.0
foamfixcore | 7.7.4
rpintegration | 1.12.2-
randompatches | 1.12.2-
fastbench | 1.7.3
actuallyadditions | 1.12.2-r152
baubles | 1.5.2
actuallybaubles | 1.1
aeadditions | 1.2
aether_legacy | 1.5.2
aether_legacy_addon | 1.12.2-v1.3.0
infinitylib | 1.12.2-1.12.0
agricraft | 2.12.0-1.12.0-a6
aiimprovements |
forgelin | 1.8.4
alib | 1.0.12
crafttweaker | 4.1.20
alchemistry | 1.12.2-40
antiqueatlas | 4.6.3
antiqueatlasoverlay | 1.2
applecore | 3.4.0
endertweaker | 1.2.0
mtlib | 3.0.6
modtweaker | 4.0.18
jei |
appleskin | 1.0.14
aquaculture | 1.6.8
base | 3.13.0
ctm | MC1.12.2-
chisel | MC1.12.2-
endercore | 1.12.2-0.5.76
thaumcraft | 6.1.BETA26
codechickenlib |
redstoneflux | 2.1.1
cofhcore | 4.6.6
cofhworld | 1.4.0
thermalfoundation | 2.6.7
thermalexpansion | 5.5.7
enderio | 5.2.65
enderiointegrationtic | 5.2.65
mantle | 1.12-
tombstone | 4.0.0
quark | r1.6-179
twilightforest | 3.11.1021
toolprogression | 1.12.2-1.6.10
tconstruct | 1.12.2-
contenttweaker | 1.12.2-4.9.1
conarm |
armoryexpansion | 2.0.0-alpha
armoryexpansion-custommaterials | 2.0.0-alpha
hammercore |
thaumadditions | 12.6.6
llibrary | 1.7.20
iceandfire | 1.9.1
armoryexpansion-iceandfire | 2.0.0-alpha
armoryexpansion-matteroverdrive | 2.0.0-alpha
armoryexpansion-bitsandpieces | 0.0.1
attributefix | 1.0.10
atum | 2.0.20
autoreglib | 1.3-32
bettercaves | 1.12.2
bettermineshafts | 1.12.2-2.1.1
betternether |
betterpingdisplay | 1
bibliocraft | 2.4.5
biolib | 1.1.1
blockcraftery | 1.12.2-1.3.1
blockdrops | 1.4.0
bookshelf | 2.3.590
bountifulbaubles | 0.0.1
bountiful | 2.2.2
carryon | 1.12.3
charm | 1.4
chiselsandbits | 14.33
chunkpregenerator | 2.1
clienttweaks | 3.1.11
shadowmc | 3.8.0
clipboard | @VERSION@
clumps | 3.1.2
cyclopscore | 1.6.6
commoncapabilities | 2.4.8
controlling | 3.0.10
cookingforblockheads | 6.5.0
craftingtweaks | 8.1.9
ctgui | 1.0.0
crafttweakerjei | 2.0.3
creativecore | 1.10.0
cucumber | 1.1.3
cyclicmagic | 1.20.8
wasaila | 1
waila | 1.8.26
p455w0rdslib | 2.3.161
stg | 1.12.2-1.2.3
mousetweaks | 2.1
danknull | 1.7.101
darkutils | 1.8.230
journeymap | 1.12.2-5.7.1
defaultoptions | 9.2.8
dimdoors | 1.12.2-3.1.2+UNOFFICIAL
discordsuite | 2.2.4
dungeontactics | DT-0.16.9
sereneseasons | 1.2.18
orelib |
dsurround |
reccomplex |
dynamictrees | 1.12.2-0.9.21
dynamictreesatum | 1.12.2-1.0.4
extrautils2 | 1
dynamictreesextrautils2 | 1.12.2-1.0.2
natura | 1.12.2-
dynamictreesnatura | 1.12.2-1.1.6
harvestcraft | 1.12.2zb
dynamictreesphc | 1.12.2-2.0.5
dynamictreesquark | 1.12.2-1.0.6
rustic | 1.1.7
dynamictreestc | 1.12.2-1.4.2
lost_aether | 1.0.2
dynamictreestheaether | 1.12.2-1.0.12
dynamictreesttf | 1.12.2-1.2.2
dynamictreestconstruct | 1.12.2-1.2.6
earthworks |
eplus | 5.0.179
enderiobase | 5.2.65
enderioconduits | 5.2.65
enderioconduitsappliedenergistics | 5.2.65
enderioconduitsopencomputers | 5.2.65
refinedstorage | 1.6.16
enderioconduitsrefinedstorage | 5.2.65
enderiointegrationforestry | 5.2.65
enderiointegrationticlate | 5.2.65
enderioinvpanel | 5.2.65
ftblib |
enderiomachines | 5.2.65
enderiopowertools | 5.2.65
enderioendergy | 5.2.65
enderiozoo | 5.2.65
mmdlib | 1.0.0-rc2
endmetals | 1.2.0-rc2
extrabitmanipulation | 1.12.2-3.4.1
familiarfauna | 1.0.11
farmingforblockheads | 3.1.28
fastfurnace | 1.3.1
flatcoloredblocks | mc1.12-6.8
foamfix | 0.10.10-1.12.2
ftbbackups |
ftbutilities |
futuremc |
goodnightsleep | 0.2.2
illagers_plus | 1.1
inventorysorter | 1.13.3+57
jeiintegration | 1.6.0
jeivillagers | 1
jetif | 1.5.2
jehc | 1.7.2
loottweaker | 0.2.0
jeresources |
levelup2 | ${version}
littletiles | 1.5.0
login_shield | 1.12.2-6-g5654706
lootcapacitortooltips | 1.3
malisiscore | 1.12.2-6.5.1-SNAPSHOT
malisisdoors | 1.12.2-7.3.0
mysticalagriculture | 1.7.5
matc | 1.0.1-hotfix
mcjtylib_ng | 3.5.4
tbone | v1.6.8+mc1.12.2
metalchests | v6.1.0+mc1.12.2
metallurgy | 1.2.0-beta.1
modnametooltip | 1.10.1
thebetweenlands | 3.7.1
moretweaker | 1.0.16
morpheus | 1.12.2-3.5.106
mutantbeasts | 1.12.2-1.0.1
mysticalagradditions | 1.3.2
mysticalcreations | 1.4
nethermetals | 1.2.0-rc2
netherportalfix | 5.3.17
nevokacore | 1.0.2
recipehandler | 0.13
neid |
orespawn | 3.3.1
patchouli | 1.0-22
performant | 1.12.2-1.4
pickletweaks | 2.1.3
placebo | 1.6.0
psi | r1.1-78
plustic | @VERSION@
quarkoddities | 1
randomthings |
randomtweaks | 1.12.2-
reborncore |
rebornstorage | 1.0.0
redstonearsenal | 2.6.6
refinedstorageaddons | 0.4.5
rftools | 7.73
rftoolscontrol | 2.0.2
rftoolsdim | 5.71
rftoolspower | 1.2.0
savemystronghold | 1.12.2-1.0.0
simplesmelteryaccelerator | 1.0.1
soundfilters | 0.12.1_for_1.12
spartanweaponry | beta 1.3.8
spartancompat | @VERSION@
spartanfire | 0.08
spartanshields | 1.5.4
spartanweaponryarcana | beta 1.0.3
surge | 2.0.79
taiga | 1.12.2-1.3.3
tc6aspects4jei | 0.0.2a
thaumicgrid | 1.0.12
thaumicjei | 1.6.0
thaumicwaila | 1.12.2-0.0.2
thermalcultivation | 0.3.6
thermaldynamics | 2.5.6
thermalinnovation | 0.3.6
tinkersaether | 1.4.0
tinkersjei | 1.2
tinkersoddities | 1
tinkertoolleveling | 1.12.2-1.1.0.DEV.b23e769
tp | 3.2.34
toastcontrol | 1.8.1
unlimitedchiselworks | 0.3.4
vanillafix | 1.0.10-150
vanillasatchels | 1.0.2
vanillatools | 1.1.0
wailaharvestability | 1.1.12
wanionlib | 1.12.2-2.5
wawla | 2.6.275
waystones | 4.1.0
xtones | 1.2.0
yabba |
zentraits | 1.0-beta
jurassicraft | 2.1.23
structurize | 1.12.2-0.10.277-RELEASE
minecolonies | 1.12.2-0.11.841-ALPHA
morerefinedstorage | 1.1.9
phosphor-lighting | 1.12.2-0.2.7
reauth | 3.6.0
solcarrot | 1.8.4
midnight | 0.3.5
armoryexpansion-conarm | 2.0.0-alpha
mysticallib | 1.12.2-1.9.0
unidict | 1.12.2-2.9.8