


Extremely strange unrendered banding on custom map

DevMunky opened this issue · 6 comments


template is bold
sample data is italicized

Issue Description: odd banding on seemingly unrendered chunks that have some spots in the occasionally that are rendered. looks like it has something to do with y-levels but im not sure. no errors or anything in console. doing radius renders and fullrenders do not fix, must go to the chunk and do an update render

  • Dynmap Version: 3.7-beta-2-923,

  • Server Version: 1.20.2 paper build 931781c

  • Pastebin of Configuration.txt: https://pastebin.com/BbDkBjT0

  • Server Host (if applicable): Pebblehost.

  • Pastebin of crashlogs or other relevant logs: N/A

  • Other Relevant Data/Screenshots: map is from 1.19.2 i think, images attached

  • Steps to Replicate: Just 1 fullrender that took 5 ish days. Maybe the amount of time it took has something to do with it?

[✔ ] I have looked at all other issues and this is not a duplicate
[ ✔] I have been able to replicate this


standard earthmc issue:
The EarthMC map has many known issues with Dynmap such as, incomplete render, only rendering where players have visited, or not rendering leaves and other foliage.
This is a result of how the map was made and is not an issue with Dynmap, luckily there is a fix.

  1. Download the WorldBorder plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/worldborder.60905/
  2. Pause Dynmap: /dynmap pause all
  3. Set the world border radius and center: /wb [worldname] set [radiusX] [radiusZ] [X] [Z]
  • [worldname] is the name of the world you want to set the border in.
  • [radiusX] is the horizontal radius of the world border
  • [radiusZ] is the vertical radius of the world border
  • [X] is the horizontal center point of the world border
  • [Z] is the vertical center point of the world border
  1. Run worldborder with the force flag: /wb [worldname] fill [freq] [pad] [force]
  • [worldname] is the world you want to be pregenerated
  • [freq] is how many chunks a second are generated, 20 is the default. WARNING: setting this too high will cause server lag
  • [pad] how many chunks beyond the border to generate, this makes sure that if a player visits the border, all chunks are already generated. The default is 208, We recommend setting this to 0 for EarthMC
  • [force] This must be set to true
  1. Wait for worldborder to finish
  2. Unpause Dynmap: /dynmap pause none, you may have to start the fullrender using /dynmap fullrender [worldname]

thanks, im pregenerating right now, ill let you know how it goes!


Ive tried three times now to pregen the world and it only lasts about 8-9 hours before the server crashes. Im going to try a more recent fork of Worldborder to see if that helps, because it looks like it could be paper related.

13.12 12:27:46 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] Saving the world to disk, just to be on the safe side. (free mem: 3719 MB)
13.12 12:27:51 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 26 more chunks processed (1955315 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 3601 MB)
13.12 12:27:56 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 75 more chunks processed (1955390 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 3786 MB)
13.12 12:28:02 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 70 more chunks processed (1955460 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 4128 MB)
13.12 12:28:09 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 2 more chunks processed (1955462 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 4088 MB)
13.12 12:28:24 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 2 more chunks processed (1955464 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 3974 MB)
13.12 12:28:24 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] Saving the world to disk, just to be on the safe side. (free mem: 3974 MB)
13.12 12:28:24 [Server] [WARN] [spark] Timed out waiting for world statistics
13.12 12:28:44 [Server] [ERROR] --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Paper-"931781c" (MC: 1.20.2) ---
13.12 12:28:45 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 0 more chunks processed (1955464 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 2708 MB)
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [INFO] [WorldBorder] [Fill] 1 more chunks processed (1955465 total, ~21.0%) (free mem: 2664 MB)
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] The server has not responded for 10 seconds! Creating thread dump
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait task info below: 
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait: [( 363,699) in 'earth750']
13.12 12:28:54 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk holder: NewChunkHolder{world=earth750, chunkX=363, chunkZ=699, entityChunkFromDisk=false, lastChunkCompletion={chunk_class=null,status=null}, currentGenStatus=null, requestedGenStatus=minecraft:full, generationTask=ChunkProgressionTask{class: io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkLoadTask, for world: earth750, chunk: (363,699), hashcode: 703921978, priority: BLOCKING, status: minecraft:empty, scheduled: true}, generationTaskStatus=minecraft:empty, priority=BLOCKING, priorityLocked=false, neighbourRequestedPriority=IDLE, effective_priority=BLOCKING, oldTicketLevel=32, currentTicketLevel=32, totalNeighboursUsingThisChunk=1, fullNeighbourChunksLoadedBitset=3247203, chunkStatusRaw=0, currentChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, pendingChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, is_unload_safe=ticket_level, killed=false}
13.12 12:28:56 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:28:56 [Server] [ERROR] Current Thread: Server thread
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] PID: 28 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] Stack:
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] [email protected]/java.lang.Thread.yield(Native Method)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.waitForTasks(BlockableEventLoop.java:147)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(BlockableEventLoop.java:137)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.getChunk(ServerChunkCache.java:299)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.world.level.Level.getChunk(Level.java:896)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.world.level.Level.getChunk(Level.java:835)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.setChunkForced(ServerLevel.java:2231)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.CraftWorld.setChunkForceLoaded(CraftWorld.java:683)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] WorldBorder.jar//com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WorldFillTask.run(WorldFillTask.java:318)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:480)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1470)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:446)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1379)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1156)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:315)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$5337/0x0000000801abefa0.run(Unknown Source)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] [email protected]/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---
13.12 12:28:57 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:29 [Server] [ERROR] --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Paper-"931781c" (MC: 1.20.2) ---
13.12 12:29:31 [Server] [ERROR] The server has not responded for 10 seconds! Creating thread dump
13.12 12:29:32 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:33 [Server] [ERROR] Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
13.12 12:29:33 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait task info below: 
13.12 12:29:33 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait: [( 363,699) in 'earth750']
13.12 12:29:33 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk holder: NewChunkHolder{world=earth750, chunkX=363, chunkZ=699, entityChunkFromDisk=false, lastChunkCompletion={chunk_class=null,status=null}, currentGenStatus=null, requestedGenStatus=minecraft:full, generationTask=ChunkProgressionTask{class: io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkLoadTask, for world: earth750, chunk: (363,699), hashcode: 703921978, priority: BLOCKING, status: minecraft:empty, scheduled: true}, generationTaskStatus=minecraft:empty, priority=BLOCKING, priorityLocked=false, neighbourRequestedPriority=IDLE, effective_priority=BLOCKING, oldTicketLevel=32, currentTicketLevel=32, totalNeighboursUsingThisChunk=1, fullNeighbourChunksLoadedBitset=3247203, chunkStatusRaw=0, currentChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, pendingChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, is_unload_safe=ticket_level, killed=false}
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] Current Thread: Server thread
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] PID: 28 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] Stack:
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] [email protected]/java.lang.Thread.yield(Native Method)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.waitForTasks(BlockableEventLoop.java:147)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(BlockableEventLoop.java:137)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.getChunk(ServerChunkCache.java:299)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.world.level.Level.getChunk(Level.java:896)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.world.level.Level.getChunk(Level.java:835)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.setChunkForced(ServerLevel.java:2231)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.CraftWorld.setChunkForceLoaded(CraftWorld.java:683)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] WorldBorder.jar//com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WorldFillTask.run(WorldFillTask.java:318)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:480)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1470)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:446)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1379)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1156)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:315)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$5337/0x0000000801abefa0.run(Unknown Source)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] [email protected]/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH ---
13.12 12:29:34 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Paper-"931781c" (MC: 1.20.2) ---
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] The server has not responded for 41 seconds! Creating thread dump
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] ------------------------------
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait task info below: 
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk wait: [( 363,699) in 'earth750']
13.12 12:29:36 [Server] [ERROR] [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk holder: NewChunkHolder{world=earth750, chunkX=363, chunkZ=699, entityChunkFromDisk=false, lastChunkCompletion={chunk_class=null,status=null}, currentGenStatus=null, requestedGenStatus=minecraft:full, generationTask=ChunkProgressionTask{class: io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkLoadTask, for world: earth750, chunk: (363,699), hashcode: 703921978, priority: BLOCKING, status: minecraft:empty, scheduled: true}, generationTaskStatus=minecraft:empty, priority=BLOCKING, priorityLocked=false, neighbourRequestedPriority=IDLE, effective_priority=BLOCKING, oldTicketLevel=32, currentTicketLevel=32, totalNeighboursUsingThisChunk=1, fullNeighbourChunksLoadedBitset=3247203, chunkStatusRaw=0, currentChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, pendingChunkStatus=INACCESSIBLE, is_unload_safe=ticket_level, killed=false}
13.12 12:29:41 [Server] [WARN] [spark] Timed out waiting for world statistics
13.12 12:31:39 [Server] [WARN] [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool] HikariPool-3 - Thread starvation or clock leap detected (housekeeper delta=1m9s239ms496µs580ns).
13.12 12:31:52 [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] [JDA] Missed 2 heartbeats! Trying to reconnect...
13.12 12:46:51 [Server] [WARN] [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool] HikariPool-1 - Thread starvation or clock leap detected (housekeeper delta=1m9s239ms474µs701ns).
13.12 12:46:51 [Server] [WARN] [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool] HikariPool-1 - Thread starvation or clock leap detected (housekeeper delta=1m48s342ms32µs779ns).
13.12 12:47:19 [PebbleHost Loader] Server Stopped

Edit: Starting a new fill task with this remake https://github.com/PryPurity/WorldBorder/releases


looks like there is some resouce hog, maybe you set the frequency too high?


its at 50 running again with the new version, ill see what happens. I wouldnt think its resources because it goes fine for 8 hours then just dies somewhat suddenly


Pre-generating is done with the new fork, and dynmap is successfully re-rendering!