


What does bark do?

Dronicode opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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I've searched online and even looked through the code as far as my abilities can go, but can't find an answer.
When I strip logs it produces oak bark + variants. It doesn't seem to have produced any crafting recipes for this though, and I can't find any mention of its uses in the code. What is it for? My best guess is that its in relation to another mod but is kind of weird to show up if that mod isn't present.


  • Bark armor. Very low durability similar to the flint tools.
  • Bark kindling could be crafted by breaking down bark.
  • Combine bark kindling with a stick to make an unlit rudimentary torch, or with some planks to make a rudimentary campfire.
  • Rudimentary torches and campfires would be placed unlit and then right clicked a few times while holding 2 flints (one in each hand) to light them, similar to the actions needed for crafting with a stone. Rudimentary lights would last some duration then burn out and not be reusable.

Nice to have compatibility:

  • Bark armor could provide small degree of warmth for anyone using EnvironmentZ or Thermoo/Frostful.
  • Bark armor would also function well as a first tech tier for armor for players who are using fleshz and levelz who can't obtain leather enough easily, and are several levels away from accessing any sorts of ores.
  • Immersive weather also adds bark. I haven't figured out yet what that one is for either, but making these interchangeable with each other would be nice and help reduce clutter.

Additional thoughts:

  • LevelZ blocks any means of obtaining coal from mining it or cooking wood in a furnace during the early game, making it extremely difficult to obtain light and warmth. Having kindling for light/ warmth would be a logical and effective early step in the light/ fire "tech tree".
  • Bark armor would also function well as a first tech tier for armor for players who are using fleshz and levelz who can't obtain leather enough easily, and are several levels away from accessing any sorts of ores.
  • Use of dual flint for lighting fires is consistent with the immersive no-gui approach of this mod and also adds another purpose to flint which keeps it useful even when they move on to wooden tools.

I have some experience with Java development and want to get into modding but haven't yet. If you like the ideas but it seems like too much to implement alone, I'd be happy to receive some guidance and contribute code.


First of all, thanks for the ideas.

Bark is used as a lighter to lit up firecamps and fuel for furnaces.

I really like the rudimentary torch idea, have to think about that one.

Issue with bark armor is the missing textures and I don't have much time lately otherwise probably a good idea.