Earth2Java [FORGE]

Earth2Java [FORGE]


Sounds completely silence periodically (necessiting a F3+T to come back)

vico93 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Basically, when playing either in singleplayer or multiplayer (in 1.21), after a while the whole sounds (Presence Footsteps and vanilla) just went silent, necessitating a resource reload to came back.

Here's a video that demonstrates that, suddently some sounds simply stop playing:

Removing Earth2Java seems to solve the problem, that's why i'm reporting this here.


Same problem here... And another problem that has also been happening to me is with the skeleton wolves that spawn inside houses, even well lit, it seems that in any tiny part with little shadow, they spawn.


@Amateur233 Can you stop giving false information to everyone here, pls?
Again... let's remove also those comments....
@vico93 @CoNtrolV1 I know there is some sound issue... What I don't know is why and how it happened now... Anyway I'm rewriting some part of the mod, stripping away stuff to be more vanillish, I'll check again for the sounds in the process


Any updates on this @Slexom ?


@vico93 Do you have lines like this in your logs?
[12:06:39] [Sound engine/WARN] [mojang/Library]: Maximum sound pool size 247 reached
[12:06:39] [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/SoundEngine]: Failed to create new sound handle


@vico93 Do you have lines like this in your logs? [12:06:39] [Sound engine/WARN] [mojang/Library]: Maximum sound pool size 247 reached [12:06:39] [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/SoundEngine]: Failed to create new sound handle

oh i don't have the profile with the earth2java anymore, i will try to reassemble here to see if they appear