Earth2Java [FORGE]

Earth2Java [FORGE]


1.16.1 - spawnBiomes values get reset at game launch for all mobs

bessiq opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Forge: 32.0.38


Whenever I add or remove biomes in earthtojavamobs-common.toml, they always get reset back to the original values when I launch Minecraft. The weights and group sizes I've changed don't reset though. Coincidentally, I had the same issue with a similar mod called Earths Animals, but other mods that have biome spawn settings seem to be fine.

Thanks for any help you can provide. Love the creatures in this mod.


Released a new version right now that fix the issue. Please test it and report if the bug is still present for you.


I can confirm the config is not resetting anymore, and I don't see the mobs in biomes I've removed them from. Thanks for the fix!