Easy Elytra Takeoff (Forge)

Easy Elytra Takeoff (Forge)


Illegal Async error with SpongeForge

spacegeek opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Forge version: forge-1.12.2-
Environment: Singleplayer / Multiplayer

Mod name: Mod
Mod version: nps_1.12-2.1


NPS throws an error when using SpongeForge. Everything else is otherwise compatible. I know, its SpongeForge... but compatibility would be nice!

Crash report

[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: //
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
Illegal Async Block Change /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* Sponge adapts the vanilla handling of /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
block changes to power events and /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
plugins such that it follows the known /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
fact that block changes MUST occur on /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
the server thread (even on clients, this /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
exists as the InternalServer thread). It /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
is NOT possible to change this fact and /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
must be reported to the offending mod /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
for async issues. /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
World : WorldServer{Name=New World-, DimensionId=0, DimensionType=minecraft:overworld} /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
Block Pos : -160, 76, -21 /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
BlockState : minecraft:soul_sand /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
Sponge is not going to allow this block /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
change to take place as doing so can /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
lead to further issues, not just with /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
sponge or plugins, but other mods as /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
well. /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
java.lang.Exception: Async Block /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
Change Detected /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.PhaseTracker.setBlockState(PhaseTracker.java:841) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_180501_a(WorldServer.java:4517) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
net.minecraft.world.World.func_175656_a(World.java:425) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
com.natamus.netherportalspread.util.Util.spreadNetherToBlock(Util.java:165) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
com.natamus.netherportalspread.util.Util.spreadNextBlock(Util.java:108) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
com.natamus.netherportalspread.util.Util$1.run(Util.java:50) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /
java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) /
[21:47:53] [Thread-77/ERROR] [Sponge]: /


Solving this would require a complete rewrite of how the mod handles block updates. I haven't had any other complaints of people using SpongeForge. I'll keep this in the back of my mind when doing future updates, but won't change it as of now.

Thanks for using the mod and letting me know though! Never knew this could be an issue.


I have the same problem with SpongeForge :<