Easy Elytra Takeoff (Forge)

Easy Elytra Takeoff (Forge)


Tree Harvester (Fabric)

wsesrdtf opened this issue ยท 2 comments



(you can remove whatever is not applicable)
Minecraft version: 1.18.2
Modloader: Fabric
Fabric loader version: 0.13.3
Environment: Singleplayer

Mod name: Tree Harvester (Fabric)
Mod version: 1.18.x-5.1



// If enabled, tree harvesting only works when a player is holding an axe in the main hand.
"mustHoldAxeForTreeHarvest": false,
// If enabled, tree harvesting works when not holding the sneak button. If disabled it's reversed, and only works when sneaking.
"treeHarvestWithoutSneak": true,
// If enabled, players instantly break the leaves as well as all logs of the tree when a bottom log is broken.
"instantBreakLeavesAround": false,
// Whether the mod should attempt to find the actual bottom log of the tree and start there. This means you can break a tree in the middle and it will still completely be felled.
"automaticallyFindBottomBlock": false,
// If enabled, the leaves around a broken tree will quickly disappear. Only works with 'instantBreakLeavesAround' disabled.
"enableFastLeafDecay": true,
// If enabled, the warped stem/crimson trees in the nether will also be chopped down quickly.
"enableNetherTrees": true,
// If enabled, giant/huge mushrooms will also be chopped down quickly.
"enableHugeMushrooms": true,
// If enabled, automatically replaces the sapling from the drops when a tree is harvested.
"replaceSaplingOnTreeHarvest": false,
// If enabled, automatically replaces the sapling from the drops when a huge mushroom is harvested and 'enableHugeMushrooms' is enabled.
"replaceMushroomOnMushroomHarvest": false,
// If enabled, for every log harvested, the axe held loses durability.
"loseDurabilityPerHarvestedLog": true,
// Here you can set how much durability chopping down a tree should take from the axe. For example if set to 0.1, this means that every 10 logs take 1 durability.
"loseDurabilityModifier": 1.0,
// If enabled, players' exhaustion level increases 0.005 per harvested log (Minecraft's default per broken block) * increaseExhaustionModifier.
"increaseExhaustionPerHarvestedLog": true,
// This determines how much exhaustion should be added to the player per harvested log. By default 0.005 * 1.0.
"increaseExhaustionModifier": 1.0,
// If enabled, harvesting time will increase per existing log in the tree. The amount is determined by 'increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier'.
"increaseHarvestingTimePerLog": true,
// How much longer it takes to harvest a tree with 'increaseHarvestingTimePerLog' enabled. The actual speed is: newSpeed = originalSpeed / (1 + (logCount * increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier)).
"increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier": 0.5,
// How many leaves should be broken per tick after a tree has been harvested. Increasing this will speed up the fast leaf decay, but costs more processing power per tick.
"amountOfLeavesBrokenPerTick": 3


As in the attached video,
if try to cut down the remaining bottom after cutting upper part,
the mod function does not work.
Can this be improved?


And there is no difference in time between felling a very large tree and a small tree.
Even if you compare it with a single block.
I wonder if something is wrong with my config settings.


The mod has to detect whether the tree broken is an actual tree, and not for example part of a building. It unfortunately doesn't work with just log blocks on top of each other.

The harvesting speed seems like a bug, I'll leave this open and take a look soon. Thanks!


Thanks for opening the issue and giving the mod a try! This has been fixed in version 6.48 of Collective. Tree Harvester doesn't need an update. Apologies it took so long to get to.
