Easy Mob Farm

Easy Mob Farm


unable to put insect net into bee hive with productive bees

atlasaplo opened this issue ยท 3 comments


wont let me put in net with iron bug in it


Could you please let me know the Minecraft version and Productive Bee version were you have this issue? Thanks.


I am also experiencing this issue - caught the bee in the insect net but am unable to put it in the farm - note a regular minecraft bee goes in there fine.
I am on Productive bees version: 1.19.2-
And Easy Mob Farm Version: 1.19.2-5.3.0
I have experienced this issue previously on an earlier version - didn't record that at the time sorry


Thanks for the report. I took a while to add support for all Bees.
In the latest beta you should be able to capture all kind of Bees and getting the corresponding drop.
Please keep in mind that the beta is still not final and could include some bugs which are fixed in the next release version.