Easy Mob Farm

Easy Mob Farm


[Bug] REI Description Text is Offset to the Lower Right When in Mob Farm UI

Routhinator opened this issue Β· 8 comments


Minecraft and Mod version 🐞
Minecraft: 1.20.1
Easy Mob Farm: 8.5.1
REI: 12.1.785

Describe the bug 🐞
When in the UI of any mob farm, the description text on any item in REI is shifted out of the description box to the lower right. This does not happen anywhere but the Easy Mob Farm UI.

To Reproduce βš™οΈ
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to a Mob Farm and right click to enter the UI
  2. Search for an item in REI
  3. Hover on the item for the description

Expected behavior βœ”οΈ
Text should align to the description box normally.

Screenshots πŸ“Έ
2024-11-23_13 06 01

Debugging πŸ› οΈ
No crash with this bug, thus no debug logs.

Is the issue happening in combination with other mods? (If yes, please provide a full list) 🧩
Most relevant list of mods provided above.
Full list https://modrinth.com/modpack/magpunkrpg/version/9cUhQeG6


Hmm this may be related to one of the mods for fancy text then πŸ€”


Thank you for the report. I couldn’t reproduce the issue using only REI and the Easy Mob Farm mod, but I’ll test it again using the shared mod pack to investigate further.



Might be one of:

  • Legendary Tooltips
  • Adaptive Tooltips

Good news: I was able to reproduce the issue on my side.

Bad news: The problem originates from REI itself, so it’s not something I can fix on my end.

The overlapping progress bar, in particular, needs to be addressed within REI.


I suspect the issue is related to the adjusted values for imageHeight, imageWidth, leftPos, and topPos within the Mob Farm Screen Container.


Similar issues also occur with other screens that modify the standard values, such as the Easy NPC in the inventory screen.


I recommend opening a bug report on the REI repository.


I suspect this is related to shedaniel/RoughlyEnoughItems#883


Thanks!, I'll do that and cross-link.


This also happens to me, but I use EMI not REI, though I do have JEI install for EMI’s company feature.


I believe REI is a fork of JEI for Fabric.. I can't find any evidence that EMI is though. I wonder if they're doing similar things regardless?