Easy Mob Farm

Easy Mob Farm


[Crash] accidentally put the skeleton in the farm animal template...

vempdotcom opened this issue · 2 comments


once i put it in my game immediately crashes and continues to anytime i try opening the world... eventually i just disable the mod and open the world and that fixes it but everything the mod included is wiped so :/
im just nervous to even try putting anything in them but idek where these cards go


Thank you for the report! Could you please share more information about this issue, such as the crash log or error log that is automatically generated when a crash occurs?

With the crash log, I can pinpoint the exact issue and determine what caused the problem.

Technically, all mob farms are based on the same block. This means the mob farm doesn’t differentiate whether you put a monster in a non-monster farm. The only difference might be that the loot yield is lower compared to using the appropriate farm for that type of mob.


Maybe related to #93 ?