[Bug] Compatibility issue with "Passive Skill Tree" resulting in crash when NPC uses Bow/Crossbow.
Sable-17 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I seem to be having a crash when my EasyNPC uses a Crossbow or a Bow to attack a monster. The game crashes as soon as he goes to draw. Crash log points to Passive Skill Tree so I'm going to post my issue there as well, but figured I'd share here too in case it helps.
Thanks for the report. This is something which needs to be fixed within the "Passive Skill Tree" mod itself.
I see the following relevant code:
AttributeInstance attribute = event.getEntity().getAttribute(Attributes.ATTACK_SPEED);
if (attribute == null) return;
double attackSpeedBonus = attribute.getValue() / attribute.getBaseValue() - 1;
The NPC has a ATTACK_SPEED base value of 0 (if not adjusted), which means this cause the ArithmeticException: / by zero
They can easily fix this by checking if the value is 0 before they are performing any division.
Feel free to open a bug request on their side and reference to this bug, so that they easily understand the problem in this case.