[Feature Request] Quality Additions (2)
Kodu04 opened this issue · 2 comments
I love this mod! It's the only one I've found for NPCs that works for me.
I've been having issues with the custom posing, specifically with getting the degree I want. You can't input the number of degree you want and instead have to slide it on the set scale :/
Please add the feature where you can edit the number !!! (I've spent 90% of positioning just trying to get the actual degree I want instead of testing out angels) That or make the scale 'wider.' I go two pixels to the left or right and its gone up by 10 degrees when I only needed 1°.
Also I love the free roam action for my NPCs! But it only works in a confined space; they tend to stroll forever and ever away. Please add a fixed center and a radius!!!
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Apologies if these are features and I just haven't figured out how to do them yet! They've been a consistent problem for me :P