tatic rotation npcs 1.19.2
CarlesMiquel opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Is the default rotation in Minecraft 1.19.2 locked? I'm only seeing NPCs that don't move as intended, they just remain static. I'm not sure if it's an issue on my end or if there are compatibility issues with the modpack I'm using.
-The npcs seem to be dead as the do not work as this video shows:
To Reproduce
I dont know exactly the steps to reproduce it as I'm using a modpack for miunecraft 1.19.2. This happens when I place them, it may be the function of the locked book is not working for minecraft 1.19.2?
Expected behavior
I expected them to follow the players camera as the video in the description shows
I noticed that i can edit them in surtvival is this right?
Thanks for the feedback, could you please export the NPC and share the ...npc.nbt file with me to take a closer look.
In general the rotation lock should not be enabled by default.
The standard config allows to edit the NPC in survival by the owner / creator of the NPC.
But you can disable this over the config file, if needed.
Thanks for the data. They look fine.
I currently pushing out a new update and will test the 1.19.2 version more in detail, to see if I could reproduce the issue.
I just released a new 1.19.2 version which should be live in the minutes, which should fixed most of the missing animations.
Please check if you have still see the same issue, if yes try the following:
- Reset the "Pose" to "Standing"
- Create a new NPC
If this is not working, please share the link of the mod pack you are using so that I could try to reproduce the issue with the mod-pack. Thanks.
Initially, I updated the mod, but the problem persisted. Therefore, I decided to individually check each of the approximately 140 mods installed. Eventually, I discovered that the issue arose due to my usage of around 10 optimization mods designed for low-end PCs, one of which was still in the early stages of development.
Specifically, the mod causing the bug was "canary-mc1.19.2-0.0.2.jar". However, when I switched to "canary-mc1.19.2-0.2.4.jar", everything appeared to function properly.
I got confused as the "default" thing here seemed to be a locked or bug/button:
sorry for the confusion and thanks.