[Bug] Custom Skin changes Default Model to one with a hat?
JaceRidley opened this issue ยท 3 comments
So when I try to edit the skin on the default model of the NPC Villager and choose a custom skin, it applies that skin to a model with a hat(probably a farmer?) instead, which causes the entire skin to distort and not render correctly. I'm not changing the model at all. It doesn't have a job. It just automatically switches to that model. And I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I'm on a 1.21 Fabric server that I run. I'm not running any special model changes for any mobs in the game. The only mob related mods we have installed are Friends & Foes and Chococraft. And I suppose Armourer's Workshop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the report.
Could you please add a screenshot how this looks like and maybe the custom skin you try to apply.
Hi there!
Just an update...
After a couple more hours of messing with settings and ideas, I realized it was because I was using the wrong NPC model, and didn't realize that. I was under the impression only the Default would use a custom skin. I have fixed my issue and this may not be a bug but I thank you for your help.