More complex dialogue options
RichPrune opened this issue · 6 comments
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FORGE 1.19.2 - So the simple quests mod seems alright for having some quests, but I think it’d be 20 times easier just have a villager trading button in the npc config screen to be able to set basic trades. Other mods like goblin traders have basic trades without villager tiers, but I haven’t found a mod that implements a customizable trading gui summonable by commands. I hope this shouldn’t be too hard to implement since it’s existing code, but I don’t know the mod as well as you do so I could be missing something.
Also could you make it so rather than just a yes/no box you could have a “add response” button? That would definitely make talking with npcs much, much more diverse. You could limit them to two per dialogue and just have more options appear after each npc response, if you’re worried about buttons going off the screen of npc text.
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Ive tried simple shops, shopper, data trader, trade system, and many others but they aren’t a trading gui summonable with commands.
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i plan on adding 30+ npcs to my modpack, and want them to have more uses outside of just talking to them once and never again. Plus, I have written a ton of dialogue for them with just two dialogue options so With more than two I’d be unstoppable lol
with all due respect, how far is this trrading feature in development? I'm not saying this to be judgemental or anything, ur already the goat, I just want to know how close it is to being likely done so I can plan my own development schedule.
Let me split my answer in two parts.
- A basic trading system should be ready in the next 1-2 weeks.
- A implementation with conditions and more complex dialog will take a little bit longer (1-? month), because I need to design a good data structure to store the data and to exchange them between the client <-> server without wasting to much resources.
hows it goin! I thought i'd let you know I figured out how to spawn npcs with structures; you just place them in the loaded in structure and save the whole part as its own file; then plop the part in a datapack to override where the mods' original part is located. You don't even need a world file! So that's one problem solved, all that's left is villager trading and then ur mod can be used in a modpack!
This mod could be the next "custom npc" mod.
I like to add to the suggestion about more dialogue option the following:
- Remembering the player has talked to the NPC, so the next time the same player talks to it, it says something else.
This would be very interesting to set up a questline for example.
Duplicate of #24