Easy NPC

Easy NPC


[Bug] Character model covers up dialog text (but is still behind dialog box)

Krampus69 opened this issue Β· 3 comments


Minecraft and Mod version 🐞
Minecraft 1.20.1

Describe the bug 🐞
Your character will cover up the text if its model is too wide

To Reproduce βš™οΈ
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make an NPC
  2. Change its pose to a custom one where he takes more room (T posing for example)
  3. Check the dialog box

Expected behavior βœ”οΈ
If the model is behind the dialog box it shouldn't cover up the text inside

Screenshots πŸ“Έ

Is the issue happening in combination with other mods? (If yes, please provide a full list) 🧩

Saturn |saturn
YUNG's Better Dungeons |betterdungeons
Stackable Potions |stackablepotions
Global GameRules |globalgamerules
Sodium Extras |sodiumextras
Player Animator |playeranimator
Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) |fabric_rendering_fluids_v1
Fabric Models (v0) |fabric_models_v0
Better Nether |betternether
Valhelsia Furniture |valhelsia_furniture
Fabric Convention Tags |fabric_convention_tags_v1
ModernFix |modernfix
Fabric Command API (v1) |fabric_command_api_v1
Legendary Additions |legendary_additions
Fabric BlockView API (v2) |fabric_block_view_api_v2
Fabric Command API (v2) |fabric_command_api_v2
YUNG's API |yungsapi
Kambrik |kambrik
nashorn-core |org_openjdk_nashorn_nashorn_co
Harder Spawners Mod |harderspawners
clickadv mod |clickadv
Balm |balm
Fabric Screen API (v1) |fabric_screen_api_v1
Just Enough Resources |jeresources
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresse|betterfortresses
Paraglider |paraglider
Cloth Config v10 API |cloth_config
Auto Leveling |autoleveling
Embeddium |embeddium
Structure Gel API |structure_gel
Advancement Plaques |advancementplaques
Castle in the Sky |castle_in_the_sky
Handcrafted |handcrafted
Repurposed Structures |repurposed_structures
Fabric Game Rule API (v1) |fabric_game_rule_api_v1
Fantasy Armor |fantasy_armor
Loot Journal |loot_journal
YUNG's Bridges |yungsbridges
Resourcefulconfig |resourcefulconfig
spark |spark
Quality Equipment |quality_equipment
Oculus |oculus
Searchables |searchables
Better village |bettervillage
Chunk Pregenerator |chunkpregen
Fabric Entity Events (v1) |fabric_entity_events_v1
The Root of Fear |rootoffear
WorldEdit |worldedit
ItemPhysic |itemphysic
Fabric Rendering Data Attachme|fabric_rendering_data_attachme
Krypton Reforged |krypton
Mobtimizations |mobtimizations
Fast Leaf Decay |fastleafdecay
Disenchanting |disenchanting
CleanView |cleanview
YUNG's Better Mineshafts |bettermineshafts
Essential |essential
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples |betterjungletemples
Fabric Client Tags |fabric_client_tags_api_v1
Fabric Dimensions API (v1) |fabric_dimensions_v1
TES |tslatentitystatus
Quark Oddities |quarkoddities
Mowzie's Mobs |mowziesmobs
ati_structures |ati_structures
Serene Shrubbery |serene_shrubbery
Mutant Monsters |mutantmonsters
Fabric Model Loading API (v1) |fabric_model_loading_api_v1
Just Enough Items |jei
Nameless Trinkets |nameless_trinkets
Lithostitched |lithostitched
The Graveyard |graveyard
AttributeFix |attributefix
Splash Milk |splash_milk
Fabric Screen Handler API (v1)|fabric_screen_handler_api_v1
Library ferret |libraryferret
Goblin Traders |goblintraders
Caelus API |caelus
Feathers |feathers
Fabric Rendering (v1) |fabric_rendering_v1
Fabric Renderer - Indigo |fabric_renderer_indigo
fastasyncworldsave mod |fastasyncworldsave
Integrated API |integrated_api
GlitchCore |glitchcore
CrockPot |crockpot
MidnightLib |midnightlib
Starlight |starlight
JeiTweaker |jeitweaker
Fusion |fusion
CraftTweaker |crafttweaker
Fabric Particles (v1) |fabric_particles_v1
Puzzles Access Api |puzzlesaccessapi
Forge |forge
SpawnBalanceUtility |spawnbalanceutility
Integrated Dungeons and Struct|idas
Dynamic Surroundings |dsurround
When Dungeons Arise |dungeons_arise
Minecraft |minecraft
Smoothchunk mod |smoothchunk
Logprot |logprot
Simple Voice Chat |voicechat
Sound Physics Remastered |sound_physics_remastered
TerraBlender |terrablender
Biomes O' Plenty |biomesoplenty
Fabric API Base |fabric_api_base
Mouse Tweaks |mousetweaks
Better Combat |bettercombat
Necronomicon |necronomicon
SpectreLib |spectrelib
Fabric Block API (v1) |fabric_block_api_v1
Fabric Resource Conditions API|fabric_resource_conditions_api
Fast Paintings |fastpaintings
Kotlin For Forge |kotlinforforge
NotEnoughAnimations |notenoughanimations
Flywheel |flywheel
Fabric Item Group API (v1) |fabric_item_group_api_v1
Polymorph |polymorph
Zeta |zeta
EntityCulling |entityculling
Canary |canary
Fabric Registry Sync (v0) |fabric_registry_sync_v0
ImmediatelyFast |immediatelyfast
FastFurnace |fastfurnace
AppleSkin |appleskin
Fabric Recipe API (v1) |fabric_recipe_api_v1
Lootr |lootr
Locks-Unoffical |locks
Fabric Object Builder API (v1)|fabric_object_builder_api_v1
Puzzles Lib |puzzleslib
Fabric Sound API (v1) |fabric_sound_api_v1
Immersive Melodies |immersive_melodies
Fabric Message API (v1) |fabric_message_api_v1
CosmeticArmorReworked |cosmeticarmorreworked
chunksending mod |chunksending
Better End |betterend
Aquamirae |aquamirae
Responsive Shields |responsiveshields
Cristel Lib |cristellib
Carbon Config Library |carbonconfig
Towers of the Wild Modded |totw_modded
Grappling Hook Mod |grapplemod
HT's TreeChop |treechop
Sky Villages |skyvillages
Easy NPC |easy_npc
Not Enough Crashes |notenoughcrashes
KumaAPI |kuma_api
Fabric Renderer API (v1) |fabric_renderer_api_v1
Animation Overhaul |animation_overhaul
Global Packs |globalpacks
GeckoLib 4 |geckolib
Fabric Item API (v1) |fabric_item_api_v1
MixinExtras |com_github_llamalad7_mixinextr
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments |betteroceanmonuments
Connectivity Mod |connectivity
Tips |tipsmod
Immersive Aircraft |immersive_aircraft
Gpu memory leak fix |gpumemleakfix
InsaneLib |insanelib
Bow Infinity Fix |bowinfinityfix
Structure Essentials mod |structureessentials
Villager Names |villagernames
Controlling |controlling
Prism |prism
Placebo |placebo
Citadel |citadel
Alex's Mobs |alexsmobs
Ice and Fire |iceandfire
Tab Stats |tabstats
Fabric Data Attachment API (v1|fabric_data_attachment_api_v1
MixinExtras |mixinextras
Item Obliterator |item_obliterator
Bookshelf |bookshelf
Relics |relics
Just Enough Effects Descriptio|jeed
WunderLib |wunderlib
Sodium Options API |sodiumoptionsapi
Melody |melody
Forgified Fabric API |fabric_api
MmmMmmMmmmmm |dummmmmmy
BCLib |bclib
Fabric Content Registries (v0)|fabric_content_registries_v0
Konkrete |konkrete
Farmer's Delight |farmersdelight
Entity Model Features |entity_model_features
Entity Texture Features |entity_texture_features
AmbientSounds |ambientsounds
Fabric API Lookup API (v1) |fabric_api_lookup_api_v1
Project: Vibrant Journeys |projectvibrantjourneys
End Remastered |endrem
Valhelsia Structures |valhelsia_structures
CMDCam |cmdcam
Elenai Dodge |elenaidodge2
Born in Chaos |born_in_chaos_v1
LionfishAPI |lionfishapi
Bountiful |bountiful
Model Gap Fix |modelfix
memorysettings mod |memorysettings
Cataclysm Mod |cataclysm
Patchouli |patchouli
Collective |collective
Cake Chomps |cakechomps
CerbonsApi |cerbons_api
Connector |connectormod
YUNG's Better Strongholds |betterstrongholds
Legendary Survival Overhaul |legendarysurvivaloverhaul
Curios API |curios
Serene Seasons |sereneseasons
Rereskillable |rereskillable
Backpacked |backpacked
Resourceful Lib |resourcefullib
Architectury |architectury
[Let's Do] API |doapi
FTB Library |ftblibrary
Custom Villager Trades |customvillagertrades
[Let's Do] Beachparty |beachparty
FTB Teams |ftbteams
FTB Quests |ftbquests
Fabric Loot API (v2) |fabric_loot_api_v2
Cupboard utilities |cupboard
Mineblock's Repeated Utilities|mru
Fabric Networking API (v1) |fabric_networking_api_v1
Framework |framework
Observable |observable
Server Tab Info |servertabinfo
Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) |fabric_lifecycle_events_v1
Effortless Building |effortlessbuilding
Fabric Key Binding API (v1) |fabric_key_binding_api_v1
William Wythers Overhauled Ove|wwoo_forge
Fabric Transfer API (v1) |fabric_transfer_api_v1
XP From Harvest Reworked |xpfromharvest
Amendments |amendments
Limited Chunkloading |limitedchunks
Remove Mouseover Highlight |rmh
OctoLib |octolib
Spawncap Control Utility |spawncapcontrolutility
The Conjurer |conjurer_illager
Fabric Resource Loader (v0) |fabric_resource_loader_v0
Obscure API |obscure_api
Curios Quark Oddities Backpack|curiosquarkobp
InvMove |invmove
Create |create
Waystones |waystones
Fast Suite |fastsuite
Clumps |clumps
Fabric Mining Level API (v1) |fabric_mining_level_api_v1
Tumbleweed |tumbleweed
Artifacts |artifacts
Configured |configured
Decorative Blocks |decorative_blocks
Dungeon Crawl |dungeoncrawl
Call of YucatΓ‘n |call_of_yucutan
YUNG's Better Desert Temples |betterdeserttemples
HopoBetterUnderwaterRuins |hopour
Distant Horizons |distanthorizons
Blueprint |blueprint
Upgrade Aquatic |upgrade_aquatic
Fabric Transitive Access Widen|fabric_transitive_access_widen
Nyf's Spiders |nyfsspiders
Simply Swords |simplyswords
EnchantmentDescriptions |enchdesc
Moonlight Library |moonlight
Extra Gore |extragore
Enderman Overhaul |endermanoverhaul
Regions Unexplored |regions_unexplored
Fabric BlockRenderLayer Regist|fabric_blockrenderlayer_v1
MixinSquared |mixinsquared
CreativeCore |creativecore
Smooth Boot (Reloaded) |smoothboot
Sounds |sounds
Iceberg |iceberg
CIT Resewn |citresewn
Spartan Shields |spartanshields
Quark |quark
Supplementaries |supplementaries
Legendary Tooltips |legendarytooltips
Mob Sunscreen |mobsunscreen
Fast Workbench |fastbench
Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks |irons_spellbooks
Legendary Creatures |legendarycreatures
Fabric Biome API (v1) |fabric_biome_api_v1
FancyMenu |fancymenu
CoroUtil |coroutil
Creeper Overhaul |creeperoverhaul
Ferrite Core |ferritecore
YetAnotherConfigLib |yet_another_config_lib_v3
Remove Reloading Screen |rrls
BetterF1 |betterf1
ExpandAbility |expandability
Valhelsia Core |valhelsia_core
Overflowing Bars |overflowingbars
Load My Resources |loadmyresources
Healing Campfire |healingcampfire
Fabric Data Generation API (v1|fabric_data_generation_api_v1
Better Foliage |betterfoliage
Fabric Events Interaction (v0)|fabric_events_interaction_v0
Presence Footsteps (Forge) |presencefootsteps

Additional context πŸ“
It is not big of a deal, my character was scaled 1.2 times so that might help see the issue


Thank you for the report! How would you prefer the fix in this case:

  1. The NPC always remains behind the text.
  2. The NPC appears above the text initially, but moves behind it whenever the user interacts (mouse over) with the text area.

Let me know which option would work best for you!


To fix this issue the character remaining behind the text is a good quickfix to be fair.
I realize that the scale of the npc has an impact on its 3D model, which can be a big issue for big guys

Might be wise to disable the scale on the NPC dialog part
If I had to push the vice a bit further, an option in the NPC menu to disable the model rotating with the mouse would be nice, so he just stays still

I think your mod is an insane tool for modpacks, and I know you get a lot of requests from everyone for new features and such, but one of biggest things would be to a have place to talk between mod enjoyers, and I don't think you made a discord for this to happen
Anyway, thanks for your amazing work πŸ™


(Also the NPC is facing the wrong direction everytime I reload the map but don't pay attention to this detail)