Easy NPC

Easy NPC


Pressing the Letter "i" in the text boxes closes out the NPC Menu GUI in the 1.19.2-3.3.1 Version

warrentode opened this issue ยท 6 comments


As the title says. Open any NPC's GUI and start typing in a text box. It immediately kicks you out of the GUI whenever you hit the "i" key. Makes it difficult to input dialogue. Right now I have to type it into a text editor and copy/paste it into the text box.


Mhhh I'm not really able to reproduce the issue in any of the dialog windows like:

If this only happens with the letter "i" then it could be maybe a hot-key from another mod or so.
Could you please share a screenshot of the affected screen and maybe the mod-pack which you are using, if any ?


Thanks a lot for the update and great that you find the root cause.

I took a quick look into the "Aether" mod source code and it seems they are adding a hook to all screen instances, but not checking if they are "owning" the screen instance or not.

I will try to reproduce the issue and check if I could block the default screen key-handler for such cases, because I'm sure there could be other mods which are using a similar approach and will causing similar issues.


Hmm. Okay, running the mod by itself, it works fine. The previous version of this mod worked just fine with the current mod list.

I checked my keybindings. None of them use just the "i" by itself. Here are the screenshots of my keybindings. This happens in every textbox found in the GUI for every NPC type.



Mhhh that's strange. Could you please test, if adjusting the NPC name worked or if you have the same issue in the name box ?

The dialog editor and dialog button editor are separated screen with new but similar code.

But the name box and any other former text box like the basic dialog text box are not touched and include the previous code.
Which mean if you have the same issues with the name text box it's not more an general issue and have less to do with the previous code.


Yes, I agree this is very strange, which is why I reached out to you about this. The problem continues to happen even in the NPC's name text box. If I try to type the letter "i" it kicks me out of the GUI straight away. So I played around with the keybindings, just to test something. For the Aether mod I had their accessory menu open with CTRL+i so when I set it to just "i" or ALT+i the problem continues. When I set it to CTRL+G, the problem went away. I find this very odd because Curios has "g" by itself for its accessory menu keybind and there is no problem with it and your mod.

I also just want to take a moment to express my appreciation for your quick response to this in trying to help me figure this out. Thank you.


Was easily able to reproduce the issue and added an easy fix on my side for version 3.6.x and higher by not passing the key "i" to their screen handler. The fix will be included in the next update with version 3.6.x and higher.